Broken People, A Book that makes a difference on how you view life

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    • Broken People, A Book that makes a difference on how you view life

      From time to time, a book comes along, and makes you stop. It makes you stop and second guess who you are, what you’re doing in life, with life, and for the ones you love. This is that book. Through colorfully painted characters, “Broken People” forces the reader to reflect on self. There will be a broken part of you in one (or all) of these characters, guaranteed.

      The Fat Kid is a self-proclaimed therapist who devotes his life to help people that have difficulties helping themselves, people he considers to be ‘broken’. When he encounters a bulimic teenage girl through his internet blog who threatens to commit suicide, he begins to reflect on parts of his life that he has spent years repressing. He continues to assist her, and many other ‘Broken People’ through his blog. When he meets an extremely independent teenage girl who challenges him, his way of living, and his way of viewing life, he reluctantly listens. In doing so he challenges his past mistakes, his future, and ultimately he finds himself.

      Intentionally becoming obese in an effort to shield himself from the approach of outsiders wanting to better understand him, The Fat Kid hides behind his thick outer self. With an overbearing obnoxious attitude, he allows few people to enter his otherwise private life. Most of the people that he encounters come from his internet blog, and pose no real threat to him or to his odd lifestyle.

      Through his reflections on past experiences and his online assistance to others, we are exposed to alcoholism, addiction, drugs, racism, relationships, homosexuality, love, romance, teen relationships, parenting, teen sex, codependency, divorce, obesity, overworked parents, teen pregnancy, bulimia, bathroom selfies, tattoos, parenting, education, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and photo sharing are all discussed at length. The result is a book that will have you laughing, crying, contemplating your own life, and the lives of your parents and/or children. A must read for parents and children alike, regardless of age. It gives teens and young adults an honest look at what parents consider, and provides parents with a realistic view of what teens are exposed to in today’s competitive social networking world.

      Hello, I am Scott Hildreth, the Author of Broken People. At the age of thirteen, my uncle committed suicide. I hated him for it. At the age of twenty one, my girlfriend committed suicide. I spent a lifetime carrying a poem that she left me in my wallet. Additionally, I carried guilt. Crushing guilt. I felt awful, guilty, and no longer trusted people.

      A few years ago, a close friend committed suicide. Then, I decided it was my turn.

      I didn’t succeed.

      This year, I met a girl who needed help. A suicidal bulimic teen.

      I wrote a very uplifting and deep book that has touched the hearts of those who have read it. The above review is typical of all of the reviews that it has received. I wrote this book for her, to provide her and all that read it hope. Hope written in a fashion that from both comical and serious angles, makes you re-think life.

      It focuses on a character that attempts to help other people through a blog, and in doing so, encounters a suicidal bulimic girl. His quest to find her cause him to deal with his own repressed memories, and have him to considering things he hasn’t in the past.

      It’s an uplifting story, and as been described as a must read for the suffering. Parents and teens alike have praised it.

      Broken People, by Scott Hildreth It is currently priced at $3.99 at Amazons website.

      It's available in any country on Amazon in ebook format. You can read it on ipad, ipod, iphone, droid, PC, tablet, or Kindle.

      Read the reviews. Read the first two chapters free. Have your kids read it. Parents read it. You’ll never regret it.

      It’s currently ranked #1 in Psychology/Suicide and #9 in Family suffering/Suicide.

      Let me know your thoughts…..If they’re favorable, all I ask is a review on Amazon.

      Thank you.

      Scott Hildreth, author of Broken People
    • Re: Broken People, A Book that makes a difference on how you view life

      Bhavya Kaushik, an Indian author of the award winning, The Other Side of The Bed, reviewed Broken People, and the results were amazing:

      Broken People embark the debut of Scott Hildreth, but while reading the book I could not make out that it was his maiden attempt. The narration was very mature and almost flawless. I was going through from one chapter to another without realizing the passage of time.
      This is not a book about just one character; instead the narration has been shifted from one chapter to another. Usually, it is very hard to justify with the flow of any novel while changing the narration between chapters, but the Author has done a remarkable job in narrating the storyline from different perceptions in a single book.
      The storyline revolves around a “Fat-Kid”, who runs an internet blog, helping troubled people (read Broken People), suffering from depression, peer pressure, parental problems, sexuality, eating disorders and suicidal tendencies. He started the blog after losing his girlfriend and another “incident” which happened in his life. His girlfriend committed suicide and left a letter for him, which he carried throughout his life, and with that letter he carried guilt, resentment, and the weight of this entire world. If you want to know about the other “incident”, then you have to read the book!
      But his life was changed when he met another broken soul like him, who changed his life entirely. The book does not entirely revolve around just these two people; it elucidates struggles, failures, and hardships that are faced by people like us every day. It is an amalgamation of stories of broken people, not one or two, but a lot – which I believe is the best part about this book.
      The author is a brilliant storyteller, a wordsmith, and the way with which he has interwoven these people together is absolutely above my comprehension. I was able to relate with almost each and every character, but it was one specific character which reflected me entirely and I cried while reading all of its narration.
      It is written with utmost thoughtfulness and will leave a deep impression on your mind after a read, because of its depth. It has some hauntingly beautiful descriptions and metaphors, and is filled with breathtaking quotes. There are numerous quotes in this book which broke my heart and created a space for them inside of my soul, but this one quote stood out for me from the entire text -
      “I wondered what was behind the suicide. There is always a reason, something, an event that takes them over the edge, making the pain unbearable. Sometimes it may be a combination of items that the person just can’t comprehend living with, but it’s always one thing that takes them over the edge. It’s not that they actually want to die. Generally, they just want the pain to stop.”

      I admit in this review that all my life I have felt broken. Well, not entirely, but a part of me was always broken. And after reading this book I realized that I was not alone. There are people like me – damaged, broken, shattered, who are waiting for someone to heal them, for someone to put them back at their place.
      I have to admit that this book broke my heart while reading. I cried so many times while reading it, that I lost the count. But it also inspired me to wipe my tears away, and to put a smile on my face. This book inspired me to look at my scars – my battle wounds, and the broken piece of my soul with my eyes full of empathy and heal them. It is one of the first times in my life when I found solace in words that are written by someone else. It was like, as if his words were healing my soul. I never felt that way before.
      I can clearly admit that this is a life changing book. You may ask me now, how am I so certain about it? The reason is pretty simple. It changed my life, and that is more than enough to prove my beliefs right.
      This is not just a piece of fiction, this is more than that. These are stories which will tear you apart, and heal your heart – surprisingly both at the same time. It is a kind of those “self-help” books that makes you a better person after a read. It doesn’t matter if you are a teenager, or a single parent, an Egyptian or an Indian (like me), a research scholar or a teacher – but this is a book which everyone should read, regardless of their age and the genres which they prefer to read.
      I will cherish this book for the rest of my life, and I express my gratitude to the Author for writing such an honest and heart-wrenching tale. You certainly changed my life. I might be broken, but I think, I will find peace with that. And someday, one day, I won’t be this broken. No more.
      I would like to end this review while quoting the description of the book, because the way I see it – these lines describe the book at its best!
      [INDENT]"From time to time, a book comes along, and makes you stop. It makes you stop and second guess who you are, what you’re doing in life, with life, and for the ones you love. This is that book. Through colorfully painted characters, “Broken People” forces the reader to reflect on self. There will be a broken part of you in one (or all) of these characters, guaranteed."

      [/INDENT][INDENT]I would like to give this book a perfect 5/5. Yes, this is the second book (after White Oleander) which I’m giving a perfect 5/5 on my blog!
      [/INDENT]I urge all my readers to give it a read.

      Currently, this book, by all that have reviewed it, claim that it heals, that it is a "must read" and that it is for teens and adults alike.

      Currently at (29) five star and (2) 4 star reviews

      Get it today at Amazon dot com for $3.99

      Scott Hildreth, author of Broken People
    • Re: Broken People, A Book that makes a difference on how you view life

      parental problems, sexuality, eating disorders and suicidal tendencies. He started the blog after losing his girlfriend and another “incident” which happened in his life. His girlfriend committed suicide and left a letter for him, which he carried throughout his life, and with that letter he carried guilt, resentment, and the weight of this entire world. If you want to know about the other “incident”, then you have to read the book!