Am I reading the signs right?

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    • Am I reading the signs right?

      So I've always been a go-to advice giver but when it comes to my own romantic interests I'm completely stumped. I could really use some help!

      I've been flirting with a man for a couple of weeks now and I'm pretty sure he's been returning that favor and even more so than myself.
      For instance, he frequently tries to get my attention for seemingly no reason at all, for instance by staring my way until I notice then jokingly turning away. Also, it seems that at any given time he's trying anything he can to make me smile or laugh. Whenever he's telling a story to a group he directs nearly everything he says to me, and if anyone else tells a joke he'll look my way to make sure I'm laughing too.
      Probably my favorite part of this situation is how easy and comfortable both conversation and eye contact are. He seems to trip over his words a lot around me, but we can easily laugh it off and I feel like we're closer.
      He's been telling me stories about himself, asking about me, and even offered to bring me in coffee the next day when I looked tired one morning! Plus it doesn't hurt that he'll mention something about me just standing around being cute. :D

      I'm (obviously) pretty into this guy even though we've only known each other a couple months. I feel like he is too - considering it's the strongest sense of flirting I've ever gotten - but I'm somewhat paranoid because of past experiences and I just don't want to jump into something without getting another persons thoughts.

      Thank you so much in advance!