How do you get a boyfriend?

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    • How do you get a boyfriend?

      I know I'm 16, but I haven't had a boyfriend since my parents haven't allowed me to date at all. But in November, I'm going to get to start dating, but the problem is...

      I have no idea what to do!?!

      I'm not 100% sure if it's more how you look, or your personality or how many guyfriends you have or how good of a flirt you are or what?

      Can someone help? I'm so clueless
    • Re: How do you get a boyfriend?

      be yourself girl!!!!
      obviously you want to look at least decent, make sure you're clean and smelling good.
      don't like, fake a personality just to get with a guy. flirting is good, just don't be an annoying slut. having a lot of guy friends definitely helps, as they have guy friends who have guy friends and chances are that one of them is cute and your type.
      it's honestly nothing you should stress over LOL it kind of just happens. if you like a guy, don't be afraid to talk to him and if he seems uninterested then send him nudes xo
    • Re: How do you get a boyfriend?

      There's no rule that says when you turn 16 you have to start dating.
      First you have to like someone for whatever reason, and try to strike
      up a conversation with them and get to know them as friends.
      Also flirt and see if they like you like back and if they do then
      hang out a couple times and go from there it takes time.
      But just because you don't have a boyfriend there is nothing
      wrong with you. Dating when you are still in high school can
      sometimes be just a lot of drama. so sometimes it's better
      to stay single and enjoy it. Then after high school start dating
      when you go to college it's so much better
    • Re: How do you get a boyfriend?

      Soccergirl4:))) wrote:

      There's no rule that says when you turn 16 you have to start dating.
      First you have to like someone for whatever reason, and try to strike
      up a conversation with them and get to know them as friends.
      Also flirt and see if they like you like back and if they do then
      hang out a couple times and go from there it takes time.
      But just because you don't have a boyfriend there is nothing
      wrong with you. Dating when you are still in high school can
      sometimes be just a lot of drama. so sometimes it's better
      to stay single and enjoy it. Then after high school start dating
      when you go to college it's so much better

      Just curious
      but why do
      you type like