Does he like me or not? (I'm so confused)

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    • Does he like me or not? (I'm so confused)

      I really liked this guy, so I figured I had nothing to lose by telling him the truth. Here's what happened:

      "I like you, and think you're cute. What do you think of me?" I whispered.

      "You're awesome," he said.

      "Do you like me?" I asked.

      "Yeah, I like you."

      But then I was confused because my friend told me that he might've only meant he liked me as a friend. So I asked again did he like-like me and he said, "I don't know". The next day, I ignored him and he kept staring at me always wanted to be near me. Plus, I heard one of his guy friends say, "She's probably just playing hard to get". I decided to stop ignoring him, so I started texting him.

      I saw him today for the first time in two months, and I ask, "Do you like me?" and he says, "No, not in that way. I only see you once a week!" It's so confusing...*:confused: We're 14, btw.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Allouette1313 ().

    • Re: Does he like me or not? (I'm so confused)

      no offense but your being a lil to you guys even know each other are yall friends at least....all i could suggest is for y'all to start out as friends because for some reason after you start spending time with people more often you tend to like them
    • Re: Does he like me or not? (I'm so confused)

      I think he may just be saying that he doesn't see you much (only once a week) so he "can't" like-like you.

      I wouldn't be to concerned. Just talk to him in general and see how he response, at first it seemed like her liked you, but maybe his feelings changed after 2 months.
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    • Re: Does he like me or not? (I'm so confused)

      don't be too concerned. he may just like you as a friend, nothing else. And when he doesn't get to talk to you, obviously his feelings for you will die slowly, because it's 'like' and not 'love'.

      So don't push too much. You're 14 now....concentrate on other things and occasionally talk to him when you can. Just have general discussions. ANd take him as a friend for now, nothing else :)