Petalburgwoods Forum | Pokmon Discussion | Creativity & Large Scale RPGs [73K Posts]

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    • Petalburgwoods Forum | Pokmon Discussion | Creativity & Large Scale RPGs [73K Posts]

      We are a discussion forum for Pokémon fans from around the globe who like to venture into the world of Pokemon. Here is some of the things we do at the forums.

      Anime, Manga & Video Game discussion

      Enjoy watching the Pokemon Anime? Or perhaps reading the Manga. Everyone plays, or has played the Pokemon games, right? We discuss all about your favorite times, past or present!

      Meet new friends

      Petalburgwoods isn't just about Pokemon, it's about the amazing people we meet while participating at The Pokemon World. We have over 3,000 people waiting to meet and get to know others!

      Get up to date news from the Pokemon Bulletin
      Are you a news buff who always needs to know what's happening? Well that's great, because so are we! We have the Pokemon Bulletin, providing people with Pokemon related Video Game, Anime and Event news!

      Competitive Battle other members
      Enjoy the battling aspect if Pokemon and enjoy being competitive? We offer a Competitive Battling were people enjoy taking part in the Official TPW League, and battle it out for the position as World Champion! You don't have to compete in the league, though. We also have a friendly battle on our Pokemon Online server with other members, or even have the ability to create your own League!

      Art & Literature
      Are you a poet and you know it? Or perhaps you are a poet and didn't know it! We have a Creative bunch at The Pokemon World who enjoy writing Stories, Poems and Fan Fiction!

      Participate in the Largest Pokemon Role Play Ever!
      Petalburgwoods is an official branch of the notorious URPG, the Ultimate Pokemon Role Playing Experience from PE2K!

      In addition to everything above we also have a wide range of beautiful Forum Styles to browse the forums in. A lovely bunch of friendly staff willing to help with anything.

      See you on the forums
