My best friend and I are drifting

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    • My best friend and I are drifting

      He's been my best friend for little under thirteen years now and he's my brother. Always has been, always will be but within the past year we've drifted. We've run out of things to say to each other, every conversation we have it's very stilted and awkward. You know my confidence was been growing over the past few years and with it I want to do more things, meet more people but he's the "sit at home and do nothing" type fellow so we don't do a lot together anymore.

      How can I fix this? I don't want to lose him
    • Re: My best friend and I are drifting

      If you two are so different - you want to do things, and he wants to sit at home, what do you expect? You can't spend a lot of time with people you don't have activities in common with.
      If you were going to hang out a lot, one of you would have to compromise by doing something they don't want to do, and I don't see that working out. One of you would end up resenting the other. It's better to let go, find people who suit you, but keep contact and see each other occasionally.
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]He holds me in his big arms
      Drunk and I am seeing stars
      This is all I think of
