Winter ball - with whom should I go?

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    • Winter ball - with whom should I go?

      So... There's the guy I've met on holidays. He lives in a city 300km from me, but we're texting basically all the time and visiting each other every two weeks or so. Yet were still not in a formal relationship and I don't really know whether or not I want to continue that relationship... But about two months ago this guy has asked me to go with him to his winter ball and I have agreed; in his city it is basically as important as the prom, so that's a big thing. However, yesterday my best best friend asked me to go with him and it has turned out that these two balls are on the same day... I have no idea with which one should I go? I have a very special relationship with my best friend and I think he fancies me a bit; and I do as well, so that might develop into a serious relationship and I don't want to turn him down at this stage. But I was seriously into this other guy, too and have literally no idea what to do now...