Rock and a hard place

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    • Rock and a hard place

      This is shitty. So, my friend (we're in high school) has had a crush on a girl we know for years. Honestly, they'd make the cutest couple ever, and I think it'd be great if they got together. But, while she said that it might happen eventually, she has currently friendzoned him.

      Anyhoo (my friend knows this) me and our mutual friend also like her. The other friend tried and failed miserably. He's a bit of an annoying slob though. In any case, I've been thinking about her a lot recently and I'm wondering whether to pursue things with her. We get along well, like, we're definitely friends. But I'm wondering if trying to take it farther is futile. She's not picky about touching or uncomfortable topics, but maybe that's just how she is. I should also mention that she had a thing for an older dude at another school awhile back (he didn't reciprocate) but I'm not sure if she still feels this way.

      I don't want to betray him, but at the same time he knows and he might not make a big deal. But I'd probably feel terrible. What should I do? What MIGHT my chances be?
    • Re: Rock and a hard place

      Funny story, When I was freshman, me and 2 best friends had crush on the same girl. Rumors about me and the girl fly but I was not sure if I could handle a relationship in the first year of high school, so, though I did like the girl, I decided to distant her. My friend V first spread his feeling in our friend circle and said he would make some actions next semester; however, my friend M suddenly be with the girl during the winter vacation. But the thing is, after the break, M broke up with the girl. V was pissed out and had a fight with M. When V asked the girl's feeling about him, the girl said no they can't be in relationship. V and M are no more close as they used to, and I have never expressed my feeling about the girl.