Help is he gayz

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    • Help is he gayz

      There's this guy that I kinda like and he keeps giving me vibes that maybe he could like me back? We've never really spoken at all. Well there was one physics lab we did together, but even that was basically get the work done then stop talking.
      But we'd still smile and wave at each other in situations that really didn't require them. And I'm not gonna lie, I've spent some time staring at him. But on occasion I find him staring at me.
      Recently I decided to throw caution to the wind and I kind of began talking with him. so i asked him to sign my year book. And he did. It took him a good 5 minutes for a few sentences. And I would peak back at him every so often (because he sits behind me) and he would me thinking hard, and rereading the words he had written without actually speaking. He finally gave it back to me and he said that he really enjoyed how we randomly smile and wave at each other. And he added awkward pauses in it with an elipse ... a few times.
      One morning before that I also awoke to a friend request from him on facebook. and, I'm ashamed to admit this to be of import, i thought that was pretty cool and maybe a sign? But he's also religious, so maybe he's just one of those really nice kids?
      I don't know I'm confused and sad and pessimistic.
    • Re: Help is he gayz


      Don't read too much into people's actions in terms of romance. It gets you nowhere and just wastes time. If you like someone and want to find out if they like you then ask them. There is absolutely no real benefit to sitting around questioning if they like you or not.

      I suppose in terms of homosexual encounters it could be a bit more risky and thus scary, but at some point action will always win over inaction.