That love big women

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    • That love big women

      I heard there are men out there that love big women to the exclusion of all else. I find that hard to believe. Unless their aren't any on this website. On another singles website I thought I found a big women lover but I discovered he was married and got burned very badly. P>S> anybody know how to upload a picture into this site from a Wal-Mart disc? I am pretty computer illiterate when it comes to this so take me through the steps please!!!!!
    • Re: That love big women

      The Photo on your Wal-Mart disc to your desk top and upload it from there. And I love BBW women. They have a BBW night once a week at a club here in Tampa. I always go. They buy me drinks. Ask me to dance. Its nice has the river flow the other way. More news at :
    • Re: That love big women

      Than your sense of humour is kind of sick. And you all wonder why women have such trust issues?

      Oh and OP there are some on this site Im sure if you are looking for someone that is into bigger women exclusively though you may try a BBW site that is geared towards that. Good luck!