so confused on what to do, boy help!?

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    • so confused on what to do, boy help!?

      So I'm in highschool and there is this guy. Last year I became closer with his friends and started hanging around him. We never talked much but we then started hanging out more this year because my best friend spend time with him. Ever since last year his friends would always ask me when I was going to hook up with him and I was like noo I'm not going to! ( I've always thought he was the most attractive person ever and was really shy around him) recently at 2 parties we hooked up. I was really drunk, we were both not sober. The first tim he went for me and I couldn't believe it actually happened. But the second time he grabbed my friends ass and she yelled at him saying oh no your hers go find her! When I found that out after it hurt a lot. I am very self conscious about myself and am always down about my appearance and myself. Last year he had told my friend that he actually wanted to be something with me but we never ended up talking like he wanted to. I feel like I'm being used but at the same time I'm so confused on if he actually thinks about me in a good way and wants to be seen and heard about me. I've never wanted to say it and I haven't even told my best friend, I think I do have feelings for him. But he's that kind of guy who has girls allover him. And I get this feeling he's embarrassed of what happened with me although he told everyone about our first hookup and told his friends things were good. I just don't know what I should do!:( please someone help me. I see him at school everyday and get some nervous to be around him. What should I think and what is he thinking!!
    • Re: so confused on what to do, boy help!?

      I am going to tell you something that NO GIRL has ever actually listened to before because when you're young and you get into boys all self-respect and common sense go out the window. I want you to seriously, seriously think about what I'm about to say to you, and think about what kind of life you want to make for yourself.

      You cannot love someone else before you love yourself. Needing someone isn't the same as loving someone. You need to make sure you are 100% happy with yourself and have accepted EVERYTHING about yourself before you even think about starting a relationship with someone else. There is nothing worse than a self-conscious person trying to love someone else's 'flaws' when they hate their own 'flaws'. Right now you shouldn't even be dealing with this stress or the situation because you haven't learn the fundamental aspect of self-respect and self-love. And you know what, people will love you more when you love yourself all over, because you will ooze confidence and sassiness. Honestly.

      This is coming from a girl who has slept with 10 men just to feel good about herself. I've been how you are now, and it can get worse if you never lose being self-conscious. I've given strangers blow jobs, I've slept with people's boyfriends, I've sent people naked pictures of myself just to get someone's attention. I would copy one picture and past it into another conversation, just hoping that one out of a million guys would want to be with me. This is what your future could look like if you don't practice self-love until you're ready to love someone else. And you won't believe me, reading this. You will think you're indestructible and that it won't happen to you because you're different. The truth is that millions of girls through this exact same thing...

      I know that this guy is at the forefront of your mind and it's hard to resist doing something about it because I have been in that exact position so many times. However, in the long term you will feel so blessed to have listened to this post and watch other girls go through emotional collapses that you will never need to go through. You're a beautiful person and you should NEVER give yourself to someone until you are a fully wrapped present and they are a truly, truly appreciative person. Don't waste your time on crushes with guys that might not mean anything. Relationships are what they are because you intend on staying with someone your whole life. Being hot ISN'T enough. The guy needs to treat you like you were the only woman on earth he's ever seen. That's not too much to ask for because that honestly is what love is, or what falling in love is. If this guy looks twice at another girl, he's not ready to take things further with you. Take things slow. Don't rush into decisions. I care so much about you without even knowing you because this stuff happens all the time just to impress guys or because they think a hot guy is what they need to like themselves more.

      I'm so glad that I stopped what I was doing because, through practicing self-love, I met the most amazing person I believe has ever walked this planet. I am completely in love with him and not once did I have to post something like you just did. When it's worth it, it's simple. You won't need to think about stuff like this. You will fall in love and that's it - you won't want to leave no matter what stupid things happen.

      He is not the answer - YOU are.

      The post was edited 5 times, last by Mrs. Frazer ().