What do I do? I am a bit troubled

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    • What do I do? I am a bit troubled

      So this is a long story but I will explain it as best as I can. So I'm 14 and am in year 10 (just so you know)but this all happened in year 8.

      When I was in year 8 I was getting over being bullied and self harming (I don't have either in my life anymore) but one of my best friends went out with someone in my form let's call him k. So k had a friend who fancied me but I didn't like him like that. So my best friend and k broke up after 4 months the day they broke up k asked me out (of course I asked my friend before I answered) but she said it was okaii so I said yes. We ended going out for a few weeks but we broke up cause of my ex (that's another story).

      After me and him broke up my other best friend let's called her c fancies him so I got them together cause I wanted her to be happy, but I wasn't fully over him. But they ended up going out for 6 months (this leads us into year 9) she cheated on him but k forgave her everytime.

      By this point I had had 2 other boyfriends and I thought I was fully over him and me and k became really really good friends like we tell each other everything (even now) but anyways C and K broke up and both just went on like normal.

      A new boy came to our school (let's call him n) that C knew from primary school so he joined our group in school he then went out with one of my other best friends (We'll call her E). So him and E went out for a month or less then broke up. I then was told he fancied me also k's best friend fancied me. And my ex's did (OMG that makes me sound like am bragging am really really not) but anyways I was overwhelmed cos I already had a boyfriend. (this leads us into year 10)

      So C moved schools (and that's other story too) but only a few weeks ago I broke up with N after dating him for 3 weeks (it just wasn't working out for me so I ended it). AND K and E go outcurrently. E doesn't really come into school now so K and E both told me they don't talk anymore (even tho they go out still).

      So I have started having feelings for K even more then I thought I did. And sometimes I feel like he likes me too because we talk alot, we have this thing where we both say we hate each other and smile, in classes if we have to work in groups he will pick to work in a group with me in it, he pushes me i know that sounds like he doesnt but its the way he does it like not so I fall over or anything but playfully. He always looks at me in class and tries to talk to me. We kick eachothers chairs if we sit infront of one another. People always thinks we go out, not him and E. I mean am I getting this all wrong or does he like me?
      Sometimes I feel like I never really got over him. Am just so confused and I feel so bad cause just the other day I was texting E and she said she feels like he doesn't like her much anymore cos they don't really talk. I feel like a bad person and friend for liking him the way I do.. I was just wondering what I should do I haven't told anyone how I feel cos I feel like it will pass but it hasnt

      The post was edited 3 times, last by tigersgorawr ().