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    • So, I am an eighteen year old female. I'd say I'm attractive, intelligent, and funny. BUT, I don't really get any guys attention. Okay, so maybe that's a lie. I do get guys who are more interested in my bra size than my name. Which, gets pretty annoying. I don't give those guys the time of day, because I'm not stupid enough to think I can make a guy change for me. I wouldn't expect them to anyway.

      I feel like I don't put myself out there enough maybe? I am extremely shy when it comes to guys. I guess because I'm afraid of rejection? I mean I think I am a generally great person. And I swear I'm not cocky. I know I have my flaws. I see them everyday..I know they're there. I just don't care about them. The amount of wonderful characteristics outweigh them in my opinion. BUT, even though I may think I'm a catch......what if the guy doesn't? I know I shouldn't care what they think, but it's kinda hard not to. I like my personality and the way I look. I don't want anyone else to change my mind I guess.

      Any words of advice? Lol