confused.. HELP!

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    • confused.. HELP!

      So I have this problem. There's this girl who I have been friends with since the second grade and we are practically sisters. We have been through it all and though oddly we don't really have deep conversations about life or anything. We just are there for each other but never have fought or anything like that. I met this guy in middle school and we became pretty close fast. We talked about everything from friends, family, and to our own problems. We started to like each other and being the naive kids we were started "dating". I mean back then, it didn't really mean much and "broke up" after like two months. Which wasn't really resolved. We still stayed "friends" but barely talked after. (typical I know) Fast forward to Freshman year. I'm still friends with the girl, and the guy and I had some classes together. We are forced to talk to each other again and somehow end up in the same friend group (along with my girl best friend). I finally got the nerve to talk to the guy again and we made up for what happened in middle school. Our relationship was better than ever and we were talking non stop again. The guy and my best friend end up liking each other and both talk through me as a mediator. I thought I had gotten rid of my feelings for the guy but they were still there. They end up going to the winter formal together and I hide my feelings. This all goes well for a while. The cycle of me beating myself up for liking the guy who likes my best friend, and wondering why he had to choose her out of all the other girls at our school. It would have been so much easier to get over him if it had been that way. Right? Well anyway fast forward to now our sophomore year and the guy and me pretty much are even close r than before. Whenever we hang out I'm really the only person he goes by, and its so easy to talk to him. He is able to get really close or even hold my hand(kinda) but I tell myself it doesn't mean anything. Am I a terrible person for letting him do this to me and my best friend? I know he cares for both of us but I don't know what to do. Should I confront him about my feelings or just keep being uncertain about it all?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by meroko26 ().