need help with a girl

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    • need help with a girl

      Hi, sorry I'm new these forums, but I need some help with a situation.

      I like this girl now who used to like me a year or two ago. When she was admitting two years ago or so that she liked me to me I couldn't tell if she was lying or not so I didn't answer well.
      So now I recently started liking her and realizing we have lots in common and etc but she has a boyfriend right now. I talk to her by text and messaging a lot, but we never talk in school because we're both shy pretty much. Recently shes been messaging me more so and i'm supposedly in her higher circle of friends now. Recently also she messaged me that her boyfriend and her were having problems because they have a odd relationship, and she was asking for advise and stuff and how she liked the other guy so much and she didn't want to part.
      Later she got a message from him and they supposedly, from what i know, made up. she seems alright, but doesn't talk about him so much. i know the two of them talk almost a frequently as me and she talks, but it might be a lot more also. she asked recently who i liked and for whatever reason i hesitated a bit and then said her. she didnt seem to react that much afterwards. later at night, she asked why i liked her and i listed some "from the heart" reasons that i really felt. she would inquire on some and say "i personally think i'm ugly" to when i said she looks pretty.
      when we turned in for the night, she said ily (hopefully you know what that stands for) and it followed with "lol" so im not sure if she meant it jokingly. i said good night and she responded and said "oh your not going to say it back?" referring to the ily so i said it and we both went to sleep.
      she also said "if i send you a heart, will you go to sleep" because we were messaging late at night. i'm not sure if shes toying with my emotions or what :/
      she would start these texting conversations and they would be funny and we'd both make jokes and talk about stuff.
      she also for whatever reason told me to stage a breakup with her for fun. i'm not sure why but it was serious and a bit out of the blue.

      Sorry for the really long question and background stuff :(
      But all in all, I'd like to know what exactly does she view me as? i'm not sure what she means by alot of this and I'm kinda frustrated because she knows i like her, but i didn't have a straight forward answer for if she likes me or not.

    • Re: need help with a girl

      Girls are definitely complicated, but I think in this case, you have to be the alpha male. Just straight up tell her that she already knows that you like her, and that you want her to break up with her boyfriend, and go out with you. If she says no, then that's that, she'd rather stay with her boyfriend and there is not much you can do. She may not say yes right away, but if she doesn't explicitly say no, that may mean she is mulling it over in her head. If she laughs it off, or says she'll think about it, don't push it, that'll only push her away back to her boyfriend. Just leave it be for a few days or so, so she can properly think. Once a little while passes, if she doesn't bring it up, then just tell her she's had some time to think, and you would like to know her answer.