Searching for a friend to lose weight with.

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    • Searching for a friend to lose weight with.

      Hello everyone,
      My name is Louise I'm french and
      I live in Paris so excuse my french if my words aren't exact.
      I'm new on this forum and I'm searching for a friend,
      or friends because I really need support and to talk to someone
      who has the same problem as I do.
      I feel fat, everything I see is fat and despite what everyobody
      tells me about my body, I still feel fat it's about how I feel right ?
      Not about what others think.
      Everybody is telling me that I'm skinny but it's only because I'm tall.
      I would just love to be as skinny as possible.
      When I feel bad I just keep eating but it's not like
      that that I'll be able to lose some weight.
      I know i can do it but I need someone to share my day
      with, someone who is struggling as much as I am with food.
      It doesn't matter how much you weight I just need somebody,
      who for some reason wanna lose weight.
      Please stop juging people because they wanna be skinnier that what
      they already are you don't know what's going on in their heads.
      Please Help me !
      Louise xxxxx
    • Re: Searching for a friend to lose weight with.

      I really want to lose some weight too and get skinny. I am so tired about feeling judged about my body, and listening to people small comments about my weight all the time. I am not fat, I am not skinny either, but because I'm quite small I always looks bigger. I have tried to lose some weight, but it is so hard for me. Everytime i think about not eating, I wanna eat, and I can't stop thinking about food before I have eaten something. I agree with you, people should stop judging. Everyone is unsure about something with their body, everyone hates something about themselves, and they are allowed to do something about it. You are allowed to feel how you feel.

      Right now, I am trying in babysteps to get more healthy.
      I would love to help you if I can..
    • Re: Searching for a friend to lose weight with.

      I am happy I see your answer even if i don't go threw exactly the same stuffs as you do I think we can help each other to reach our goals, what do you think ? We could talk by private messages everyday about our day and search for support when we feel we're about to go threw another crisis or feeling like we want to eat too much ! What's your name ?
    • jurakore wrote:

      Hey everyone!
      I see this topic is quite old, but I'll still try. So... I'm studying at the art school, ballet section. My height is 165 cm and weight is 48.7 kg. I need to reach at least 47 kg. And it's sooo haaaarrrrd!!! Can anyone help me?

      Use MyFitnessPal and for one whole day track every single thing that you eat. Try to make the day as normal as possible in terms of what you eat so you have a good guess as to how many calories per day you are eating. Then use a TDEE calculator (click here) to see how many calories you would need to eat to maintain your current weight. If you want to lose weight (1lb per week give or take), subtract 500 calories from the value you get for your TDEE and eat that amount of calories per day.

      Losing/gaining weight is not hard if you're keeping track of calories, although I admit it does take a bit of time to get used to. If you have any other questions, feel free to message me. Good luck!