
    • Lately I have been feeling like shit and feeling like I don't belong anywhere its just getting to my head. I cant think anymore and it's pretty much affecting every part of my stupid life. I can't go anywhere without someone putting me down or someone doing something to prove that I am a worthless peice of shit and on top of all that some of the people that matter most are starting to hate me because of who I am. My parents are like my enemie now I can't do anything without them telling me how useless I am its like they get some fucking thrill out of of it and I wouldnt be suprised if Im right...

      Suicide is obiously not an option for me because that would be causing my parents more problems and then that would make them hate me even more and I can't do shit without thinking what would the results do to my parents because I truly do love them you know?

      Now I seriously dont know what to do but I dont wanna reuin anyones life do anything bad to anyone or even make them feel sad but as I do see it there is only one way out for me and that is death so I don't even know what to think anymore...