Should Bi Women Looking to Bi Couples?

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    • Should Bi Women Looking to Bi Couples?

      I recently received an email from one of my friends who is a bi, she told me that she was tired to keep along with ones who are not bi. She felt bored and asked me for help. I replied her, “why not try to looking to bi couples to be friends?”

      Really, as for bi couples, the wife may accept both women and men, the same, the husband should also eager to make friends both women and men, but not the gay. Most of these bi couples are looking to bi women or bi men. So as to, if my friend looks to these group, they may find the identified thought and interests. What’s more, they may live together happily.

      There is one point, if couples, the wife find herself is lesbian or the husband find himself is a gay after married. It is not my suggestion that my friend looks to these groups of couples. Surely, couples who are neither bi nor gay and lesbian should not be accordance to my friend willingness.

      I am glad that my friend finally meet one excellent bi couple, and told me that she is happy now. Actually, I wish a sincere, honest, decent relationship to all bi women between with bi couples.