Does he care?

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    • Does he care?

      Hi everyone, I hope you can help me out:

      I'm dating a boy for almost three months now and I'm in love with him.
      However, I sometime feel like he doesn't really care about me (for example, he cancelled at the last minut or he never seems to want to see me at school at lunch time etc)

      I talk to him about that and about how awful it makes me feel and he was like " sorry I'm upset thoses days" (yeah because when is upset, he shuts me out) and the truth is I can never get mad at him when Im in front of him (he's too cute and Im crazy about him) but once I'm home I feel terrible and I mad at him but at the same time Im so afraid to lose him that I always forgive him!

      I don't know what to do: when we are just the two of us, it's perfect (like really perfect) but when we're at school I feel like it is the same if he sees me or not, and I'm tired of feeling like I'm alone in this relationship but at the same time I love him too much to get really mad and maybe lose him ..

      If anyone ever lived that kind of thing, can you please help me ? :confused:

      (Sorry for my english, I'm french)