Is he losing interest?

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    • Is he losing interest?

      Is he losing interest? 1
        Yes he's losing interest (0) 0%
        No he isn't losing interest (1) 100%
      My bf and I are sixteen. I'm concerned that he's losing interest because I'm injured, and he used to visit me about 3 times a week, and this week he only has twice. I asked him to come over once and he said he was sick and was helping out his parents with heavy-duty housework (which I thought was sketchy, since I didn't think you could do that with a stomach ache? But his parents are like drill sergeants and he's SUPER SUPER SUPER loyal to them and always doing work for them. He's very passive and always gives into them without argument. They've always been his number one priority, and their demands always cut into our dating time). He also said he was looking forward to his pizza dinner...would you still have an appetite for pizza with a stomach ache?

      The next time I asked him over he agreed to come pretty quickly but left after about an hour and half since his parents needed his help again.

      He was also less physically affectionate with me but I thought that might've been because my parents were around a lot of the time and he doesn't like to PDA in front of them.

      Also, he still texts me constantly; we have conversations all day about our interests and he's always asking me about my life and opinions. He asks how I am and texts good night. But maybe he just feels bad for me since I'm injured? But he's always texted me that much in the four months we've been romantically involved, and our conversations go way beyond my injury.

      We're abstinent due to his family's strict religious beliefs.

      Am I being too paranoid? I don't want to call him out on it because I don't want to seem clingy. Thanks!
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