Girl I need advice with

    • Girl I need advice with


      There's this girl at school I like, and I think she may like me back. She's asked me on a few occasions to spend free periods with her, and we sat next to each other and laugh and she seems to enjoy my company. I think I'm flirting?!? She's asked me to come with her to get stuff, just us and seems to like me in person.
      However, in texts she can sometimes be a little blunt and doesn't seem overly ecstatic to talk to me. I asked if she wanted to spend time together in the school holidays and said she was really busy, but said 'I'll still see you on Saturday right?'
      This Saturday I'm going to a lecture at a university and as far as I know we're the only 2 people from my school going.
      Question is do I try and kiss her if I feel the time is right and we're alone together? (Aka do if she's as friendly and flirty in person this time round, even after how she seemed in texts earlier this week.) I've never done this before so do I just go for and be confident?
      Sorry for the long post just wanted to let you know on the situation.
    • Re: Girl I need advice with

      honestly, I think you should make sure she likes you. instead of kissing her, why not just be honest with her about how you feel? also,
      is she at all shy around you?
      does she rush off to her friends sometimes or have you overheard them talking about you?
      do you actually flirt with her and does she flirt back?
      does she seem to make an effort with her appearance when she is spending time with you?
      have you ever caught her staring at you?
      does it seem like she wants to be near you or with you a lot?

      these are all things girls (not all girls) tend to do when they like someone, its not a full list but its a start. maybe just give it some time if you are not sure or ask her about her dating life, see how she reacts. but just be honest with her, girls tend to like that.