Iraq War

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    • Re: Iraq War

      To be honest I don't care about the Iraqis and whether they get democracy or not. Quite frankly I think they are too savage and uncivilized to adhere to reasonable democratic principles.

      Not a single American solider should die for an Iraqis sake.

      We need to look out for our interests alone, not those of foreign citizens. Harsh, but so true in our dangerous world. I would have supported assassinating Saddam and his family, or formenting a mass uprising in Iraq, but I can not support putting our boys directly in harms way for the sake of bring "democracy" to a people who cannot adhere to it nor want it.
    • Re: Iraq War

      Exsequor wrote:

      To be honest I don't care about the Iraqis and whether they get democracy or not. Quite frankly I think they are too savage and uncivilized to adhere to reasonable democratic principles.

      Not a single American solider should die for an Iraqis sake.

      We need to look out for our interests alone, not those of foreign citizens. Harsh, but so true in our dangerous world. I would have supported assassinating Saddam and his family, or formenting a mass uprising in Iraq, but I can not support putting our boys directly in harms way for the sake of bring "democracy" to a people who cannot adhere to it nor want it.

      You really shouldn't voice your opinion again. Your view of the world is fairly poor not to mention wrong.
    • Re: Iraq War

      Democracy? Is that what American kids learn in schools? To appoint democracy, in my very correct translation, means to take over supplies of petroleum.

      Exsequor wrote:

      Not a single American solider should die for an Iraqis sake.

      They never did or will lose lives for sake of Iraq; they died for American interests. Vacuous patriots might have believed they died for democracy, but they only became tool of their own (should I imply wrong) object of adoring.

      Exsequor wrote:

      We need to look out for our interests alone, not those of foreign citizens. Harsh, but so true in our dangerous world. I would have supported assassinating Saddam and his family, or formenting a mass uprising in Iraq, but I can not support putting our boys directly in harms way for the sake of bring "democracy" to a people who cannot adhere to it nor want it.

      Still haven't noticed? You do look for your interests, just in someone else's country, in someone else's property.
      "Sometimes it seems pity that Noah and his party didn't miss the boat."
    • Re: Iraq War

      LovetoLive wrote:

      ffs if ya so botherd m8 ill change it god

      Actually I can still see 4 errors :p:D

      'We need to look out for our interests alone, not those of foreign citizens. Harsh, but so true in our dangerous world'
      And how will the state of this world ever be solved if this policy is taken up? And why does the danger of this world prevent us from addressing the issues in other countries?

    • Re: Iraq War

      Sasha Vassily wrote:

      Welcome to the American mind. He just said what is in the mind of most Americans but can't put to words because of the fear of resentment from non-Americans.

      That's not true. Most Americans don't even think about Iraq and don't care. And the one who feel the same way as he does would have no problem saying it. Why do you think he said it lol?
    • Re: Iraq War

      Sasha Vassily wrote:

      Most Americans don't think about Iraq? Are you in a la la land or are you trying to say that Americans are not only stupid but deaf, dumb and blind as well? :rofl:

      No, most Americans don't think about Iraq and quite ignorant about it. When thinking about it, it's mostly limited to troops are there are they're fighting "terrorists."

      Sasha Vassily wrote:

      He said it because he didn't realise this isn't an American forum and neither are we 'under American influence' as Americans like you would want to believe.

      He said it because he wanted to like that other member complained about Mexicans. He knows that there are non-Americans on this board so why did he say it? :confused:

      Sasha Vassily wrote:

      It is only an American who is as stupid to think there can be only people from UK, US and the Anglophone world in an English speaking forum. Just because Americans don't have the brains to speak more than 2 languages doesn't mean the rest are so intellectually impaired.

      I'm not an Anglo and I'm aware that there are members here who aren't from countries where English is the main language. :rolleyes:
    • Re: Iraq War

      Cait wrote:

      I support the war, and I do think about it everyday. My dad is serving over there and so is almost every adult male I know. I think Bush has made some mistakes, but I support him.

      May God bless your Dad hopefully he comes home soon and safe.

      I pretty much agree. I supported the War, and while we may have been wrong about our intelligence and maybe we should not have went in. We cant leave now. Bush made some errors planning the war no question but the Surge is working and things are starting to turn around.
    • Re: Iraq War

      Alex_Rosque wrote:

      Why do you support him?

      He's a whole hell of a lot better than Bill Clinton. We got attacked when he was in office, all he did was send over a couple missiles. The terrorists thought that they could get by with with attacking us. I would too, that's the message Clinton gave out. I support Bush because he went to war. He did more than just send over a few missiles. Because of this war, we have caught one of the most wanted terrorist and he has been put to death. We have freed a nation from the clutches of an evil dictator.
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]
    • Re: Iraq War

      Cait wrote:

      He's a whole hell of a lot better than Bill Clinton. We got attacked when he was in office, all he did was send over a couple missiles. The terrorists thought that they could get by with with attacking us. I would too, that's the message Clinton gave out. I support Bush because he went to war. He did more than just send over a few missiles. Because of this war, we have caught one of the most wanted terrorist and he has been put to death. We have freed a nation from the clutches of an evil dictator.

      Bill Clinton didn't turn a country upside down, destroy foreign relations and go on vacation a few months into his first term, either. He also didn't attack the people that didn't attack us. Let's play a game called "Where's Osama?"

      Here's a hint: The US Government doesn't know.

      "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." [/CENTER]
    • Re: Iraq War

      Sasha Vassily wrote:

      They would not need any freeing and over 3 million people wouldn't have died if you didn't put Saddam to power against the Democratic Abul Kasim government of Iraq some 20 years ago. Americans don't like to admit their own mistakes do they? Or are they too intellectually challenged to look back at their own past? :rofl:

      I'd like to see America's average IQ broken down by race. I can gaurentee you that there is a race in the US that is bringing down the countries IQ average. This race sees being smart, or pursuing a proper education "trying to be white" not ALL of this race is like this, but a lot of them are. Your country just happens to NOT have as many people of this race as we do.
      Americans aren't as dumb as you think. I'm just a kid, I defiantly don't know everything, and I make a lot of mistakes.

      And by the way. Saddam Hussein WAS a terrorist.
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]
    • Re: Iraq War

      Cait wrote:

      I'd like to see America's average IQ broken down by race. I can gaurentee you that there is a race in the US that is bringing down the countries IQ average. This race sees being smart, or pursuing a proper education "trying to be white" not ALL of this race is like this, but a lot of them are. Your country just happens to NOT have as many people of this race as we do.
      Americans aren't as dumb as you think. I'm just a kid, I defiantly don't know everything, and I make a lot of mistakes.

      And by the way. Saddam Hussein WAS a terrorist.

      ..Are you seriously referring to black people or am I absolutely out of my mind by reading into that like I did? Because if you just said that the US IQ is being broken down by blacks, that could be the most bigoted statement I've ever read. And yes, Americans ARE as dumb as he says. American teenagers worship Paris Hilton and know more about Britney Spear's personal life than they do about Global Warming or the war in Iraq. American teenagers know every lyric to their favorite song, but can't remember the Bill of Rights.

      And yeah, Saddam Hussein was a terrorist. I never said he wasn't. I said that Saddam Hussein never attacked the United States of America. And neither did Iraq.

      "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." [/CENTER]
    • Re: Iraq War

      TheFunkyBunch wrote:

      And yeah, Saddam Hussein was a terrorist. I never said he wasn't. I said that Saddam Hussein never attacked the United States of America. And neither did Iraq.

      I wasn't directing that towards you. And I know Iraq didn't attack the US. Alkida(sp? I'm the worst speller in the world) did.

      And yes, I was. I wasn't trying to hurt anyone's feeling, and I wasn't trying to be racist, although it probably came across that way.
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]
    • Re: Iraq War

      Cait wrote:

      I wasn't directing that towards you. And I know Iraq didn't attack the US. Alkida(sp? I'm the worst speller in the world) did.

      And yes, I was. I wasn't trying to hurt anyone's feeling, and I wasn't trying to be racist, although it probably came across that way.

      ...seriously? You weren't trying to be racist? You singled out blacks as being stupid and dragging our intelligence in this country down. That's not trying to be racist?

      "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." [/CENTER]