Extreme Friendzone? Help, please!

    • Extreme Friendzone? Help, please!

      I'm going to start this off by some basic info.

      I'm almost 17, I go to high school. She is my classmate. Since the first day of high, I discovered she is a nice, good looking girl and very, very cute. We got along very well and became good friends. Nothing more, just some friendly talks at school, rarely on facebook. I wasn't even noticing her much, except for once going out in the summer holidays with her, her sister and friends. I became a good friend with her sister as well (I was actually going for her sister at first, until I discovered she is not my type - not talking about the outlook, cos she was very pretty). It went fine. Just ordinary friends. Nothing special. Until everything changed in the next grade.

      I don't know exactly how it began, but somehow it did. One thing that might have initiated my interest in her was the following. In the second grade, we started talking much more. One day, she was talking about me with her friend (female, other classmate), I was somewhere nearby and heard them saying my name, I came closer and asked what's up. Her friend just said that they were talking about me, but she can't tell me what exactly she was telling her, because I'd 'die from happinness', and my girl just smiled shyly at me. That was when I realised she likes me and I gotta get to know her more. We started writing everyday, eventually getting so close to each other that she even started telling me secrets she had never told anybody before. We suddenly turned into best friends. As we were getting closer and closer to each other, it dawned on me that I fell in love with her. There were hugs everyday, deep stares into each other's eyes, smiles etc. She told me many times that I'm amazing, with the best heart, even handsome. The worst thing about it was that she washaving a boyfriend for nearly a year and a half already. You might think, what a bitch, but she isn't the type of girl that would cheat on her boyfriend intentionally (as some whores do). I thought, what if she isn't happy with her boyfriend and her heart chose me as the next. There was one time when her sister and friend noticed, that she was talking more about me than her actual boyfriend, they noticed she would most likely date me if she didnt have a boyfriend. It continued like this for like 3 months or so. I was always there for her when she was having issues with her boyfriend and as she started complaining about him to me more and more as they constantly argued. I was telling her to reconsider their relationship, though I'm not the type that ruins relationships for his own good, I wanted to help her. They eventually broke up and I felt serious chance. We started going out, our first 'date' was beautiful (it was still more like friends, so it wasn't really a date). It was going great, until I discovered she still loves her ex-bf and wants to return back to him. Unfortunately for me, 2 weeks later he kissed her at school and they were back together. I had never felt so emotionally down before, I was heartbroken. For the first time of my life (I've never had a girlfriend, never kissed, obviously never had sex too). I felt so down that I had to ignore her for a day to prevent from making my feelings get worse. She thought I hate her, since I acted coldly. I promised her to get things cleared out soon. I didn't eat much for a week. I decided to tell her what I feel to her. I chose the easier way for both of us and that is facebook, because telling her face to face would make her feel weird/awkward/sad and wouldn't fix anything anyways, since she loved her boyfriend. I wrote her a long message explaining what I feel to her and why I am acting like this. She replied that she knows she should love me, but she loves her boyfriend. When I asked her if she feels something for me, she said that she feels more to me, especially when we hug. She apologized and felt sorry for me, and that's it. All this happened like 3 weeks ago. I knew I have to get over her and find another girl, which i would love to, but I am totally desperate, as I am kind of a complicated person and I find it impossible to find a girl that suits me as much as my crush does. I had never had such relationship with a girl before and I doubt that there is one similar girl around. I have tried getting over her before this too, i would say this is my 5th try in 6 months already, and I always fail, since I'm in direct contact with her almost every day. I simply can't get over her and I feel extremely empty and sad. The worst thing is that she still keeps hugging me and everything like before, and since I don't want to ruin our friendship, I don't want to tell her to stop. Just two days ago I felt I'm over her, and boom, today I'm here, desperately writing this. It's coming back, haunting me.

      Please, anybody got any helpful advice? It's driving me crazy as I can't stop thinking about her and knowing I can't have her. Please, guys, help me.

      Thanks very much for reading the whole thing, thanks for the advices in advance!

      PS : You can call me the Master of friendzone because this one is hardcore. LOL
    • Re: Extreme Friendzone? Help, please!

      Well this one seems... a bith tough. I can tell how badly in pain you are, according to your username.

      Just sit back and think. You love this girl, she has some interest on you but she actually loves another guy. I can't imagine that you both can still be close friends like you both used to be; 'cause if I were you I'd suffer every single day I talk to her.

      I know that feeling, I really do. You consider yourself as an unique guy, you eventually find someone and you can't afford losing her. Plus, this is your first crush which I know exactly how it feels... But in life, sometimes you gotta let it go dude. Wish I could tell something useful but in this situation its all up to her.

      If I were you, I'd just tell how much I love her in person and I can't be her friend any longer. I don't know, really... Who knows? Maybe she can't afford losing you ^^

      edit: And also, fuck you administrator. I've tried to change my location via VPN four fucking times in order to write this post. Fuck you little scrub. ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐

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