Need help with a girl i really like

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    • Need help with a girl i really like

      Hi guys, im new around here,

      So i really like this girl and really is an under statement, she went out with one of my best friends but he and she broke up as they didnt go well together, ive liked this girl for about 8 months now and about 2 months ago i messaged her on facebook and i talk to her when i can, without trying to be too annoying I went to a party and talked to her there for a bit which i felt went quite well. i message her but she sometimes cant continue The the converstaion on for a while because she has music lessons and orchestra (which is true) i suppose i just wonder if anyone else has been in the same situation, im also a bit nervous to talk to her in school because i dont want it to be really awkward.

      Any help is good.
    • Re: Need help with a girl i really like

      Are you typically a shy person?

      I think what makes it awkward is that you think "it's going to be awkward". I use to feel very nervous talking to my crush, but what helped me a lot was that I had to fake it. I had to pretend that 'okay this is just some guy, talk to him casually..' and it worked. The more nervous you are talking to her, it's going to show. Once she sees your nervousness, I can gurantee you .. she will know that you like her.. and things will be awkward. Girls are weird, sometimes when they know a guy likes them they get all shy too and quiet. That's what you don't want.