Is abortion good?

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    • Re: Is abortion good?

      uh, hell no abortions arent good. do you want to fuck up your reproductive area permanantly? I'm not saying it should be outlawed, there's worse things out there, but seriouslt? Unless it was a rape baby or something similar, society should look at you in shame. IJS
      I am the true Don, and as one, you know my life as a life worth inquiring about :cool:
    • Re: Is abortion good?

      No. I d not think that abortion is good. Period. Now it may be a «neccesary evil» if the mother will die. If it's from rape I say «why get the baby? It didn't do it! Get the man that did that! If anyone should have to die for the rapistist sin it should be him! Aborting some child because the doctors may say that it has downsyndrome is very sad. I was supposed to have down syndrome. People say that I am one of the most intelligent boys they know. And I do not have any physical defects.
    • Re: Is abortion good?

      tjeccnv wrote:

      No. I d not think that abortion is good. Period. Now it may be a «neccesary evil» if the mother will die. If it's from rape I say «why get the baby? It didn't do it! Get the man that did that! If anyone should have to die for the rapistist sin it should be him! Aborting some child because the doctors may say that it has downsyndrome is very sad. I was supposed to have down syndrome. People say that I am one of the most intelligent boys they know. And I do not have any physical defects.

      ok preacher,so what if its not a rapist who did it?
      The wrath of the righteous will damn me forever,let my ashes be remembered, let my annihilation be grieved upon,by those who know and love me For I am damned,thats what I am
    • Re: Is abortion good?

      A woman should be able to do whatever they want with their body. Some people say "you're killing a human being" but actually, abortion is legalized (in France at least) before 12 weeks of pregnancy. And usually they don't wait that much so the "baby" not bigger than a pea. It's just cells. And abortion and taking pills against pregnancy (hormones) can cause the same damages (which are not enormous, it always depends on the wife).

      But think about that woman who doesn't want a child but she can't get an abortion, once the baby is born, will they both be happy, he wasn't wanted by his own mother, can't say he's going to have a wonderful life (maybe yes, but maybe nit).

      That's why I think abortion is maybe not a good thing but something each woman in the world should have access to.
    • Re: Is abortion good?

      TheFrenchOne wrote:

      A woman should be able to do whatever they want with their body. Some people say "you're killing a human being" but actually, abortion is legalized (in France at least) before 12 weeks of pregnancy. And usually they don't wait that much so the "baby" not bigger than a pea. It's just cells. And abortion and taking pills against pregnancy (hormones) can cause the same damages (which are not enormous, it always depends on the wife).

      But think about that woman who doesn't want a child but she can't get an abortion, once the baby is born, will they both be happy, he wasn't wanted by his own mother, can't say he's going to have a wonderful life (maybe yes, but maybe nit).

      That's why I think abortion is maybe not a good thing but something each woman in the world should have access to.

      Having access to abortion for the purposes of aborting an unwanted child that MAY have been a printable pregnancy, I think tenders on an ethical question when there are an almost unlimited number of ways to prevent a pregnancy
      So with your thinking, can abortion be used as a form of birth control?
      Is that acceptable?
    • Re: Is abortion good?

      M. S. Dragon wrote:

      OK, aside from the fact that teen girls need it in case they become pregnant, but must grown women use it? and what happens to girls and women after an abortion? Some studies say that an abortion can inflict some damage, like making the woman barren, so is abortion good?

      "Grown women" use abortion for many different factors. Whether this means having an abortion because she's already got a few children, or because her pregnancy is having complications and she needs to abort, are just a few reasons. Which studies are you citing? (A link to a peer-reviewed article would be great!) What happens after an abortion ranges from each woman, however, your thought of women being 'barren' are completely inaccurate and really, a myth.

      theCster wrote:

      uh, hell no abortions arent good. do you want to fuck up your reproductive area permanantly?

      Can I have a source on this?

      tjeccnv wrote:

      To bad. She chose to engage in actions. The baby is the result.

      Aaaaannnndddd your argument went downhill when you factor in rape.

      No. I d not think that abortion is good. Period. Now it may be a «neccesary evil» if the mother will die. If it's from rape I say «why get the baby? It didn't do it! Get the man that did that! If anyone should have to die for the rapistist sin it should be him! Aborting some child because the doctors may say that it has downsyndrome is very sad. I was supposed to have down syndrome. People say that I am one of the most intelligent boys they know. And I do not have any physical defects.

      "Baby" and "child" as a terms is a reach, no? Secondly, even if the rapist is charged, why should the woman have to continue to carry the pregnancy? Her rapist being caught and potentially charged (and that's even if he IS caught and charged) makes no difference to the pregnancy. What about aborting the pregnancies that die in utero? What about the pregnancies where the child won't live more than a few minutes outside of the womb because of such a terrible birth defect? Your case vs. everyone else's cases aren't the same.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling

      The post was edited 4 times, last by Linda ().

    • Re: Is abortion good?

      Linda wrote:

      "Grown women" use abortion for many different factors. Whether this means having an abortion because she's already got a few children, or because her pregnancy is having complications and she needs to abort, are just a few reasons. Which studies are you citing? (A link to a peer-reviewed article would be great!) What happens after an abortion ranges from each woman, however, your thought of women being 'barren' are completely inaccurate and really, a myth.

      Can I have a source on this?

      Aaaaannnndddd your argument went downhill when you factor in rape.

      "Baby" and "child" as a terms is a reach, no? Secondly, even if the rapist is charged, why should the woman have to continue to carry the pregnancy? Her rapist being caught and potentially charged (and that's even if he IS caught and charged) makes no difference to the pregnancy. What about aborting the pregnancies that die in utero? What about the pregnancies where the child won't live more than a few minutes outside of the womb because of such a terrible birth defect? Your case vs. everyone else's cases aren't the same.

      Sounds like you are advocating for abortion as a means of birth control as opposed to socially acceptable forms of birth control like the pill, condoms etc??

      You seem to find this acceptable??
    • Re: Is abortion good?

      There are thousands of reasons why a woman decides to have an abortion. No one, has the right of co-determination in this case. And no one should moralizing, judging or condemning a woman for the decision pro-abortion. It is simply nobody's business. Perhaps apart the man as the father of the unborn child (even it's yet no child), who hopefully was involved in the decision-process.
    • Re: Is abortion good?

      But head wrote:

      Sounds like you are advocating for abortion as a means of birth control as opposed to socially acceptable forms of birth control like the pill, condoms etc??

      You seem to find this acceptable??

      ....Where did you get that idea?

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: Is abortion good?

      Linda wrote:

      "Grown women" use abortion for many different factors. Whether this means having an abortion because she's already got a few children

      Mostly with this comment, you see, in today's world there are options available to safeguard against pregnancy, and to abort for this reason, in my opinion, is just plain ignorance to how to prevent the pregnancy in the first place

      You mention many other situations that would be considered by society as acceptable reasons, not saying I agree with all of them, but that's my opinion.
      If this was my post, think I'd edit it myself, just sayin...
    • Re: Is abortion good?

      But head wrote:

      Mostly with this comment, you see, in today's world there are options available to safeguard against pregnancy, and to abort for this reason, in my opinion, is just plain ignorance to how to prevent the pregnancy in the first place

      You mention many other situations that would be considered by society as acceptable reasons, not saying I agree with all of them, but that's my opinion.
      If this was my post, think I'd edit it myself, just sayin...

      I think if having another child would be a huge financial/emotion burden on them, then sure.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: Is abortion good?

      That's exactly the point im tryimg to make!!!
      If your guna play, then use protection
      To not use protection, and there's many forms that can be used together to decrease the likelihood of conception, is ignorance, and irresponsibility!!!
      So you are agreeing with this fact then women can use abortion as a form of birth control cause they already have some kids, when they coulda prevented the conception completely in the first place??
      Is that what I'm reading?
      Because if I'm right, maybe you should run for president to further embarasse our country!!!
      If I'm wrong here please point this out cause I don't get it, anyone please !!!
    • Re: Is abortion good?

      But head wrote:

      That's exactly the point im tryimg to make!!!
      If your guna play, then use protection
      To not use protection, and there's many forms that can be used together to decrease the likelihood of conception, is ignorance, and irresponsibility!!!
      So you are agreeing with this fact then women can use abortion as a form of birth control cause they already have some kids, when they coulda prevented the conception completely in the first place??
      Is that what I'm reading?
      Because if I'm right, maybe you should run for president to further embarasse our country!!!
      If I'm wrong here please point this out cause I don't get it, anyone please !!!

      Birth control fails. You're assuming no one uses birth control.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling