Why am I bad at fitting in?

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    • Why am I bad at fitting in?

      I need help. I have trouble making friends. Maybe it's just me and I'm selfish because I only have one friend, but we only see each other at school, during breaks which in Greece, when you enter middle school, are only 5 to 10 minutes. The other girls in my class are immature. I'd like to be friends with some people but 94% of my class know each other since friggin' kindergarten! I don't know anyone for that long! I keep changing schools, but I figured, with the internet and all, why not try and make real friends, right? Need some advice.
    • Re: Why am I bad at fitting in?

      Seems like you're one of those who grew up early... I know that feeling, i really do. Considering you're just 14, sitting in the class the whole day and complaining about their stupidness level is not the best feeling in the world. The worse part is, you might feel this way for years, like me. Also this may be irrelevant, but your math seems really good according to that "%94" lol
    • Re: Why am I bad at fitting in?

      Maybe join a club as that is normally a good way to meet and connect with people who have similar interests as you. Also being nice and friendly to people is a simple way to get people to like you, don't be afraid to be the one to make the first move and initiate a conversation. Just asking someone a question can get someone interested in you. Normally if is finding out about them and there own interests as people tend to like to talk about there own interests. Making friends and getting along with people is simple, keeping good friends is normally the harder part.

      If you be more comfortable with others, they are more likely to reciprocate. You seem mature enough and level headed, even though there was not many people the same mentality as you in your old school, there are sure going to be some in your new school.

      hope I helped a little
      good luck
    • Re: Why am I bad at fitting in?

      OK, thanks, but in Greece, forming clubs isn't as easy as in America. Because of the economic crisis, teachers have to grab out at every free thing available. So there is only one active club, the drama club. I tried going, but it was so disorganized, you couldn't even see the direction it was going. I quit because the free drama teacher that came wasn't very clear in what she wanted, was late, and always pressured kids to do things that don't really make sense in theater (showing if they can dance, most kids have stage fright, so you can see the image), plus they made us write stupid essays (not scripts) about our daily lives, etc. The kids are kind and everything (even though there are some skanks), but if the only thing they do is joke about masturbating or tease each other, (it is very common), and talking about how many likes they get on Facebook, no thank you! I'd rather stick to those that make more sense to me. I'm sorry this was very long, and probably made your eyes hurt, but you have no idea how the schools are in Greece.:(