Moral Confliction about potential partner

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    • Moral Confliction about potential partner

      So I have known this girl for a bit over a year now and we have gotten along very well. She has been in a relationship for the entirety of our friendship, which was never a problem until now. The circumstances of her relationship aren't very bright as her boyfriend is a grade level higher and is leaving the province at the end of the summer. They have both come to terms with the finite nature of said relationship and have even talked about how they are excited to see new people, or even just have a few fun endeavors. Needless to say the relationship is coming to an end and they are both relatively ready to move on. Now the thing is I have recently developed feelings for this girl, and when I confronted her about it she felt the same way. We even discussed the possibility of dating after she is done with her current relationship and the things involved with us dating. She intends to break up with him a few weeks after his prom to avoid ruining said prom for him. It seems extremely likely that we will date once its all over, and admittedly we have talked about it in great detail. Despite how excited I am, I can't help but feel an ominous feeling pulling at my heartstrings. I feel guilty, for obvious reasons. The relationship is coming to a close and they directly talked with each other about seeing other people after its all over, but I can't help but feel this guilt. I'm just wondering if what I have done is wrong even when taking into consideration those factors. I really like her, but I just can't decide if what has been done is horrible. I'm looking for another opinion, so please share your thoughts.