I'm an 18 yr-old boy and have a crush on a teacher. Long story but I'd likeinsight

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    • I'm an 18 yr-old boy and have a crush on a teacher. Long story but I'd likeinsight

      (This will be long, so please bear with me)

      My name is Michael. For anonymity's sake, we'll call her Ashley Carson. To preface, calling her a teacher is far overvaluing her position as a member of the school staff. She is more like a babysitter/monitor for us children that take college classes via satellite TV and online in our "distance learning lab".

      So Ashley (as I call her. I never once called her Ms. Carson, and she never corrected me when I addressed her by her first name) is very beautiful. She has a nice personality, and relates well to us kids (she was a senior when I was in 7th grade. she didn't know me back then), so the environment is very relaxed around her. This was her first year being the babysitter for that classroom (she had just graduated from college last year), and I instantly took notice of her attractiveness the moment I saw her. The first day in that room, I don't know if she asked specifically to someone who I was, but I heard someone say "that's Magic Mike". Immediately after, she said "hello Magic Mike", and I just said "hey".

      I'm a bit of a sarcastic, smart-assy fellow, especially around big groups of people. In my satellite college class, I would often make humorous comments and responses to things that our teacher would say (it's easier to be a smartass when that teacher isn't physically there and cannot reprimand you, although my comments were pretty light-hearted in nature). Those first couple of weeks, I would hear Ashley laughing off to the side. In the third week or so, I walked into class (pretty early, as always. I had no class before that so I was coming in right from the parking lot). There was only one or two other kids in there. So I'm sitting down, just kinda staring off into space, it's dead silent. Then I hear, "how are you so witty?". And I figured she was talking to me, so I slowly turned towards her, and she said, "like really, you make me laugh every day", and I just kinda laughed and said, "I don't really know what to say to that".

      So over the entire year, I'd been crushing on her, and watching for signs that maybe she liked me too. I gave a presentation in front of the class once, and afterwards she said, "Michael you seriously make me laugh every day, you are so funny". She would call me witty and/or funny various times throughout the rest of the year. One time while I was in the middle of an anecdote to our teacher, I heard Ashley say to another student, "he's so witty, it's the best thing ever". One time she said to me, "Michael....you're funny". Nothing out of the ordinary, but it was on April Fools' Day, so I thought it clever to respond, "Thank you Ashley...that's not an April Fools' joke, right?". Then she laughed and I said, "don't hurt my ego Ashley", and she said, "ok Michael, you're not funny at all.....April Fools'!".

      Sometimes I felt like she would eavesdrop on my convos with my friends in that class. One time I was giving my friend fake, stupid tips on how to be safe while trick-or-treating, and then she asked me if I was going trick-or-treating, and I replied, "hell no" and she giggled. One time at the end of class I had my arm around that same friend's shoulder, and I asked him what he was thankful for (Thanksgiving was the next day), and he just laughed and didn't say anything, and since class time was running out, I said, "come on, we only have.....(reaching for my phone to find out how much time until the bell rang)", and then Ashley cut in and said "two minutes" (meaning she was listening to the convo). I then said, "two minutes til the bell rings, what are you thankful for?", and then Ashley cut in again and said, "say you're thankful for Michael". Another time, I asked that same friend if he was going to our winterball dance, and he said "no", and then Ashley asked me if I was going. I just replied "no", and changed the subject (in hindsight, I should've jokingly asked her to winterball right when she said that, just to see her reaction).

      That last little story wasn't the only time she had asked me if I was going to a dance. Right before prom, all of us kids were just sitting in the room, studying. No class that day, but we had to stay in the room. For about half of that class, Ashley was really quiet, not saying a word. Then about halfway through, she asked all of us as a group if we were going to prom, and every kid but me responded all at once. She then asked, "Michael?" (noticing that I had not responded), and I just said like before, "no", and she replied, "wha...?" (like she was surprised). It stayed quiet again for another ten minutes. I was angry at myself for not having the courage to jokingly ask her to prom; I just didn't feel comfortable hitting on her in front of everyone. Then she said, "that's a nice color you have on Michael" (referring to my aqua dress shirt). I then thought about that for a second, and replied "thank you Ashley.....you know I'd say the same thing to you, but you look good in any color". Everyone freaked out after I said that. I kind of blacked out in that moment, but I remember people laughing (presumably because they were shocked I would say that) and hearing the words, "smooth", "suave", and "game" thrown my way. I said to Ashley (as she was in the middle of laughing too), "that was good wasn't it?", and she responded "yeah, that was a good joke". I then said, "Joke? Nice to see you have high self-esteem". People continued to laugh after that. What I found interesting was, I stated before, she was quiet the entire session leading up to that point, and then after that, she wasn't quiet at all. She was very talkative to us as a class, and I felt like I triggered that. Maybe I'm wrong, but if put in her shoes, I feel like I would do the same thing, both because I would've been put in a good mood, and I would not want to appear embarrassed.

      I dressed relatively nice pretty much every day of the past year. I would often look at all the other kids and point out to myself that I was the only one with a collared shirt on. For as much as Ashley complimented my humor/wit, only three times did she compliment the way I looked. Twice she complimented the color of what I was wearing (one of those times mentioned above). Another time, I was wearing a purple dress shirt with dress pants. When I walked into the room, she said that I looked really nice, and I just thanked her. As we were about to leave, she asked me if there was any particular reason that I was dressed like that, and I said "this is kind of an everyday thing Ashley", and she said that she indeed had noticed some of my dress vests and other clothing I had worn before, and then stated again, "you look very nice".

      There were times were I would try and flirt with her, and sometimes where I felt like she was flirting with me. One Friday she asked me if I was ready for the weekend, and I replied, "absolutely Ashley", and then she said, "what? you don't like spending time with me?". Trying to stay witty, I said "well on a scale of 1 to 2....I'd give you a solid 1.." and she said, "oh I see how it is". Another time, I walked into class (mind you, I had been at school the day prior), and she said "Michael, long time no see", and I said, "Yeah like 24 hours...that's too long without you Ashley", and she said, "It's horrible isn't it?", and I said, "Yeah I cry when I don't get to see you". I then referenced crying during Titanic and that got the kids talking about that film, so the subject was changed.

      I feel like she would also randomly try to talk to me. She would wave and say hi when she would see me outside of class, and would sometimes ask how my weekend was, how my day was, and other small talk things like that. That wasn't unusual, but one thing I found weird was when (a couple times) she would ask for help with things that she could easily have figured out herself, or even asked someone else about. One time she asked how to do what I thought was an easy problem some kind of college homework. Another time she asked where a certain classroom in school was located. Relative to all the other kids, I did sit nearest to her, but that's really not saying much at all, so I found it odd that she'd choose to ask me to help with those things. As far as I know (and I only was there with her for one hour a day, so maybe I'm completely full of it), I'm the only one that with whom she would act like that.

      So even though I have a crush on her, I'm not heartbroken that I might not see her again since I'm out of school. I realize that I definitely will find someone else to be enamored with in college, and this thing is just a little schoolboy infatuation. Here's my dilemma: I want to know if indeed she does have any sort of feelings for me. It is irrelevant if she does, but (as juvenile as it is) it'll ease my mind and give me a boost of confidence if she does feel something for me. I've never had a girlfriend before (only tried once, and it was with a taken girl. needless to say, it did not end well), mostly because I've been a bit sheltered and have not been exposed enough to situations that would build my confidence. Some of you reading this might think it's painfully obvious that she does like me, and some of you might think just the opposite. I'm very blind and naive to what goes on around me when it involves me, so even if my question is dumb, I appreciate your insight.

      So, do you think she might have feelings for me? Why or why not? Thanks everyone!

      TL;DR An older woman has been nice and flirtatious with me. I want to know if indeed she does like me.
    • Re: I'm an 18 yr-old boy and have a crush on a teacher. Long story but I'd likeinsigh

      This might get tricky... think of pros and cons... think what can happen if you misinterpreted the signs, and think what can happen to her if you interpreted the signs well.

      As far as attraction goes... usually girls are notorious for having a hard time to cover their feelings in their body language. As a sign of attraction, their eyes get special glare, they smile a lot, touch their erogenic zones (such as hair, neck, or something that's on that like necklace) etc.

      But this is very tricky...