Went on first date, now what?

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    • Went on first date, now what?

      Ok so this guy and i have been talking for a month, just facebook messaging and texting really. We go to the same school but hadn't actually met. He's one of my good friend's roommates and he decided to try to talk to me when he saw my profile picture on my good friend's fb (lol).
      Anyways, he asked me out and last friday he and I met up for coffee. It seemed to go pretty well i thought, despite his ice breaker of "my brother's dog died and we have to bury him tonight." We stayed at the coffee shop talking for a couple hours before he ended up getting a call from his mother to come home.
      I felt like it had went pretty well, we were both shy of course, especially since we had never met in person before. I had been over to my friend's dorm room before, but the guy I went out with was never in the room when we hung out. When the date was over, he did give me a side hug and said that he had fun and that we should hang out again. I left and then decided to leave no message or anything especially since his dog just passed away, i felt like he needed the family time.
      I talked to him a little the next day, but nothing substantial, as the weekend went on and we exchanged a couple scattered and small conversations, he apologized to me about not texting me, and said that he's been busy with family and such. Which is totally understandable given the circumstances I'd assume! I've tried messaging him a little more but still feel like i should be letting him strike up conversation when and if he wants? I don't want to come off as too eager, I guess. I'm not sure hah, I'm new to the whole dating thing...

      Am I right in assuming this? What should my next step be? Should I just chill out if i get no message back, assume that he isn't interested?
      ~She's got a little book of conspiracies right in her hand. She is paranoid, endangered species headed into extinction.~

      The post was edited 2 times, last by TheGreenGurl ().

    • Re: Went on first date, now what?

      It's really amazing to go for a date; especially in a first date we feel some kind of nervousness, some kind of hesitation, some kind of expectation, feelings and emotions. Even if we don't have any kind of experience on dating but I am sure first date will be memorized and exciting. So in my point of view it is quite better to go for the next step and go out again for another date to boost your relationship.