Girlfriend advice.

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    • Girlfriend advice.

      Please help, i really need advice on my girlfriend. We have been together for 4 years since we were 16. I have always had issues with her past as she had been with many boys before me but i hadn't been with any girls. She had always said that she was a virgin and had not done anything sexually with any boys before me. I am very sensitive to these issues just to add. I do need a thicker skin. However, recently we have had issues and she said during an argument that she had lied and had slept 5 boys sexually before me.
      Recently we took a unofficial short break and agreed not to be with other people. However, she has admitted to me that during the "break" she had sex with sex with another 5 boys and took part in a threesome with 2 of them. She also said that she had given head to 10 guys in total since we took a break. Take into account that we were on a break for less than 3 weeks. There is pictures of her naked and being fu**ed floating around between people i know and i feel uncomfortable with this.

      She is the only girl i have ever been with and i do love her, but i dont know what to do?
    • Re: Girlfriend advice.

      You really need to decide how much further you want to go with this relationship. Personally, I'd be concerned that she seemed to move on so quickly during such a short break. I would be concerned of her cheating during the relationship. However, if you want to move forward with the relationship, you need to vow to put the past behind you guys and work forward as a couple. If you don't think you can forgive or move past what she's done, both in her past and during the break, then you need to call it quits. Quite frankly, at 20, you should be in the prime of your life right now.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling