I'm really shy and like a guy. I dont know what to do! :( :(

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    • I'm really shy and like a guy. I dont know what to do! :( :(

      Hi :( I'm a really shy person and theres this guy Luke in my class and I have a huge crush on him but I really dont know how to go about it. I have social anxiety and I'm just flat out terrible at talking to people, especially guys...I've talked to him once or twice and he's really nice but otherwise he just ignores my existence..and every guy(and I mean every single guy that I have ever liked has rejected me or led me on to think they liked me then shot me down). Not to mention his brother is really mean to me sometimes when we're in class and messes with me ...anyways..how should I go about this? I really have no clue what to do about all of this:confused::(:confused::(. And please dont just say 'Just tell him' because its not that easy for me to do that and I have mini panic attacks at just thinking about doing that...
    • Re: I'm really shy and like a guy. I dont know what to do! :( :(

      Okay lets see what all I have to say about that...I think judging someone on their weight for one is a disgusting thing to do. Just because I'm a little heavy I cant expect someone who's "Hot"to like me? People like you make me sick to be completely honest. Now while I dont want to be 'that guy' but your advise isnt good. Even if I'm fat i'm gonna ask out whoever the hell I a;l because I have the self confidence to do that; because I may be fat but I'm beautiful too. And trust me dear, ive asked out more girls and guys than that, doesnt help me much. Would greatly appreciate it if you could not reply to this again unless you have something a bit...nicer to say if that makes even a little sense to you.
    • Re: I'm really shy and like a guy. I dont know what to do! :( :(

      I think you re as shy as I am =) My treatment from this fear - dating online. I prefer kovla site.
      Only there I can feel myself convenient! There you can train flirting and meeting new people.

      Try to find him on facebook, add him and write firstly. maybe it will be easier than talking in real life!:rolleyes: