Stupid thing help

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    • Stupid thing help

      I just joined but I want to say this before I know anyone because I know it's stupid and if everyone is crappy to me I can just leave and I don't know anyone. Bcaus I can't talk to anyone about it. My friends would think it was stupid Im on my own. I don't know you tough and I can say anything and you can't tell anyone in my town or that I know so I can say thingsI'm wasting. It's not what you would say was serious No-one is doing that to me. It just means something. It does and noone cares. So laugh if you want. I don't care. But if you are okay then I do want comments? Even if you aren't Bring it all on

      It's about ants. Your laughing! No, look them up ants are really intelligent. They teach each other and they get dead ants and bury them. I think ants are like tiny people and that s where my problem comes in.

      My step mum and my sister are horrible.. There's a whole city of ants (thats in britain so they are about a mm long and don't bite) in the garden at the end and they haven't seen it yet but they will and I'm ascared of what they'll do if they find it. It sounds stupid but I lie dowh next to them on my own and they are like tiny people. I'm sure I even pick out individuals. I read they are all female and related. All sisters! I love lying on the ground and watching them moving about. My mumand my sister don't know about them though. But they will. It's summer an its just lucky that they havent been in that bit of the garden.

      I was in the garden when they where both sunbathing last week and I was looking at this wholw city of thousands of living creatures and my step mum and sisters big horrible feet so much bigger than them and I know what they would do just bullys and murderers It makes me cryjust to think of what they will do. I know this sounds stupid but I don't know what else to do! I've seen my sister even looking around the garden for things to step on She's evil! And my stepmum and my dad never stands up to them. I'm scared theres thousands and thousands of tiny people and I dont know what to do!
      My step sisters this monster. shes 15 and way taller than me . Shes' on the basketball team and everything. Shes got these huge ugly feet and so has my step mum and they like killing things!If I see a snail in the path I move it away where its safe. I've seen my mum and sister crushing them on purpose for fun? I don't know why, I'm nothing like them They aren't my real family there like evil giants or someting. Dads hardly home and it's summer and I was just looking at there horrible big ugly feet and thinking about my ant friends.

      I don't know whast to do!! I know this is stupid but I really care they are like real people to me! What can I do. There isn't much time!

      The post was edited 3 times, last by NicePippa ().