I fucked up so bad I need help please ?!

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    • I fucked up so bad I need help please ?!

      It's really long, but basically my moms been on vacation for a week. My friend Brie asked me ' my friend to hangout w her, her boyfriend, and his friends. I said yes because it sounded fun then she said we needed a place to sleep because she didn't want to sleep there. I told her I didn't have anywhere In mind and she asked about my moms, I told her no several times but then she convinced me everything would be fine and if anything happened she would take the blame. so I said I yes because I felt pressured. even though I know I shouldn't have. the night went on them we had Jeremy (her boyfriend) drive us home, to my house. he told us that he was in the mood to go car hopping, which is searching through people's cars. I told him I didn't care where he did it as long as It wasn't around my moms development. he kept telling me he wouldn't and he promised so I believed him. two days later I get a call from my mom asking if I had people over the house the other day, and I said yes and she said "the landlord called me and told me he saw you get out of he car with your friends while the two drivers were running around going through people's cars". I had no clue it happened until she called me. My mom told me the landlord was threatening to kick us out and I don't know what to do. I ruined my moms life