Aniversary coming up (long distance relationship)

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    • Aniversary coming up (long distance relationship)

      Normally is never do a long distance relationship, ever, but then i met nathan, i couldnt
      Help it, soon we were facetiming everynight and talking and laughing all night long and i reallsed how much i liked him and i gave in, i asked him out and now, our three month aniversary is coming up and idk what to do for him, last time i made him a slideshow flipagram thing and we talked all night, idk what to do this time, i was gonna send him a sweatshirt of mine with my cologne on it along with a teddy bear or something but, my parents dont know im gay, and like i cant get to the post
      Office or anything like that so i have absolutely no way to ship him something, idk what to do for him though, any idea's? ( dont suggest anything sexual cuz ive
      Got that covered ;) )
      Bi/prefer guys