After dating?

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    • After dating?

      So I met this great girl who is a year younger than me (I'm a guy btw) in school and we started dating over the summer. This was my first real experience with dating, while she has been in relationships before. It seemed to be going well, and she was my first kiss. After that night, I started seeing her a lot less. She was on vacation and cancelled twice for what I believe we're legitimate reasons after she got back. We went from seeing each other 1-2 times a week to once in a month. Two weeks ago she suddenly stopped responding to me. I texted and called, and she responded after 5 days. She said that she was confused about how she felt and just wanted to be friends. I wanted to talk to her in person about it, but she didn't seem to want to, so I gave it up. I agreed to be friends. That was a week ago, and we've had no contact since. But I'm still really into this girl. I've been losing sleep thinking about what happened and have been seriously missing her. I know that we probably won't have any kind of relationship, and I want to be fair to her and respect how she feels, but I really want to see her again. Is it too soon to ask her to just hangout and catch up for an hour? I haven't seen her in close to a month. And I want to ask her if it was something I did that made her change her mind so suddenly. Is that just a bad idea? Any advice is appreciated, and thank you in advance.
    • Cx1 wrote:

      So I met this great girl who is a year younger than me (I'm a guy btw) in school and we started dating over the summer. This was my first real experience with dating, while she has been in relationships before. It seemed to be going well, and she was my first kiss. After that night, I started seeing her a lot less. She was on vacation and cancelled twice for what I believe we're legitimate reasons after she got back. We went from seeing each other 1-2 times a week to once in a month. Two weeks ago she suddenly stopped responding to me. I texted and called, and she responded after 5 days. She said that she was confused about how she felt and just wanted to be friends. I wanted to talk to her in person about it, but she didn't seem to want to, so I gave it up. I agreed to be friends. That was a week ago, and we've had no contact since. But I'm still really into this girl. I've been losing sleep thinking about what happened and have been seriously missing her. I know that we probably won't have any kind of relationship, and I want to be fair to her and
      You have just witnessed a normal girl in your life. It is quite normal for a girl to do what she is doing. She is confused and unsure about this whole thing. She needs her space right now to think it through. I'm sorry but there is little you can do in such situations. If you try to talk to her, ask her to hang out, you are only reducing your chances. What she needs is to see or hear less of you. She is trying to judge if she is really into you, wants to see you or not. If she has told you that she does not want to meet over person to discuss, then she really does not want to. Don't disturb her and give her the space she needs.

      Yes, it would kill you, give you sleepless nights, but there is little you can do. If you try to talk and say "yes let's be friends" then you are almost destroying your last chance with her. Just stop talking to her and let her be. If she does not talk back, then she is not interested in going out with you, respect her decision and meet new girls. Hang out with other people and you will soon forget her. There is also a chance that the girl will contact you back and try to meet if she has made up her mind about seeing you more.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Voila ().