Is it fate?

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    • Hi this is quite a long one so I will try to keep it short.
      Basically, a few years ago when I was in high school, in my art class there was this boy. He was really shy but a couple of times I caught him staring at me and he would look away quickly. I would see him looking at me in the corridors between lessons and as soon as I caught him he would look straight ahead and pretend he hadn't seen me. If he ever had to walk past me he would look nervous and flare his nostrils in a nervous sort of way. All my close friends thought he liked me. This went on for a while and I had a major crush on him.....

      Then this other boy came along. He was really funny, would flirt with me, hang out, and I really thought he was the one. So I sort of gave up on my original crush. However, I haven't spoken to the new crush for ages now and it seems to have fizzled out. So I don't think it was ment to be.

      I am starting my new college in September and when I went to enrol as soon as I walked in to the first room, I saw my original crush in there. Hardly anyone else from my old was going to that college. He looked at me and as I caught his eye he looked away. I thought here we go again!
      So I feel as though it is the "universe" or "fate" giving me another chance? I think he still likes me because he was nervous when he saw me and deep down I still like him. What do u think? Sorry it was long but I thought u should know the whole story. Thank you for reading :)