Does he like me or is he just flirting?

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    • Does he like me or is he just flirting?

      So this is quite a long story but I will try to make it as short as I can..

      Anyway, I met a guy and we got on pretty well. He makes me laugh and I don't feel shy around him. After a club one night he asked if he could come over and he did, we did nothing except talk and he slept over (we did nothing at all).
      He then came over again a few days later and we then kissed (I have never had sex with him)
      And then he kept coming over occasionally and we would watch TV and he would stay over but then leave in the middle of the night.
      We didn't speak about it but I guess we had a fwb(without sex) thing going on?
      Anyway I haven't seen him for a while because of summer break and I always end up drunk texting him and he tells me he misses me but not in a deep emotional way but more of a 'haha you're funny, I miss you man'
      And then I called him a fuckboy (as a half serious half joke) and he found a page on Instagram and he tagged me in a post which said:
      "Boy logic: 1) I like you 2) but I'm talking to 3 other girls 3) but I like you 4) trust me" what did he even mean? I took it as a 'lol I say this to every girl I speak to' but I'm not sure :/

      Anyway, every Tuesday he sends me a "the guy you can't stop thinking about is texting 4 other girls happy tuesday'
      And he even said that I only ever message him when I'm drunk which is partially true..

      I just want to know where I stand with him and is he just being a massive flirt or does he like me? It's driving me crazy because I can't ask him
      (Sorry for the mega long post, I just have nobody at home that can give me any advice)
    • The guy is trying to tell you that you are not the only girl he is talking to, he is speaking with other girls too. But that does not mean he does not like you or like meeting/talking to you. So there are two things, either he IS smart and is talking to other girls too, keeping options open and having a good time flirting with a few girls at a given time, keeps his life engaged and fun and avoids making him clingy to one girl. OR he is just bluffing to keep you engaged and interested. He does not want to give you girl a upper hand in this whatever you call it. He wants you to think that he is not so free only for you, he is busy but alongwith keeps you engaged saying that he likes you too. So you don't assume that he is gone, and you don't think that he is too much into you only. He is playing it smart :)
    • I agree with Anti Condom. He likes you and is willing to try it out with you, but he is not going to make the first move. He wants you to take the move. I could be wrong but thats what i think is going on. Now that picture he tagged you in pretty much tells me that he has enough girls waiting for him. If that is true or not i cant say for sure. I would say he likes you. He is letting you decide what to do next in your "fwb" relationship.