How do you know if someone is faking being a lesbian?

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    • How do you know if someone is faking being a lesbian?

      A girl from my school told me she was a lesbian too and thought we could be friends. I don't really have friends in school and usually just be alone. Everyone already knew I was a lesbian. She tells me all kinds of story's of how big of a lesbian she is and they all sound really cliche, like what you would hear in a TV show.
      I have lesbian friends outside of school and their stories sound more typical.

      While we're in the hall way she's always holding my hand and while we're in public shes always sitting kind of close and touching my shoulder a lot and talking really close to my face. My close friends don't even do that. Well not as much lol. She also jokes a lot, kind of loudly where some people can here it. Someone even ask if we were dating. But once I went to her house to study and she was COMPLETELY different from when she was in public. Her parents wasn't even there.

      She didn't hold my hand once that day even when we went outside later, and she seemed more distant. She didn't really touch my shoulder neither and when she spoke she did it more normal. I got kind of close to her by mistake and she flinched. It was so quite and when I ask her anything she would give a simply UN-entertaining answer and she barely even spoke to me at all.

      It was really awkward and I couldn't wait for that day to be over. My brother said that she could be faking or just shy, but she was never shy in public at all. When we went to school she was back to her old habits again. I actually asked if she was really a lesbian once and she said she was, and told me a absolutely ridiculous story. I just played along. I kind of like her but I cant even, I don't know. The story she told me was just so stupid that i just knew she made it up. Even if she is faking why dose she have to flirt with me so much. It kind of hurts know that it's a possibility. What do you think?
    • @Nightengale That would be difficult to answer. It is bad when a person does one thing in public and the opposite in private. But that may just be one encounter? You have to try going to her house again and see how she behaves. There is no point in holding hands in public and be indifferent when inside of a house. You will have to try going to her house or inviting her to your house again. Maybe that was one bad day? On the other note, stay cautioned because people who behave differently in different places are really not the best of friends or partners. It could be that she is just passing time and having fun while getting bored in School and when that is not the case at home, she is not interested.

      But, not enough data to justify whether she is faking or not. If she is faking, her flirting and holding hands in public will not last too long, because no straight girl is going to keep up with the flirt for too long.
    • mwanamwinyi wrote:

      i really for you. Same things happen for me. I have a friend that has been giving me hints. however, when i opened up to her,i was surprised when she said she didn't swing that way
      Some people are weird like that. They enjoy as long as its not all out in the open. They enjoy making others curious and confused but when others open up they freak out and deny.