I feel so heartbroken...

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    • I feel so heartbroken...


      I have a best friend, I have known for 4 years and we are quite close she has had many relationships, some of them I knew they wouldn't work and i have seen that happen and some went quite well and i have been jealous of her boyfriend. Now i'm 15 and secondary school is nearly over and without knowing it i have fallen in love with her but today she messaged me saying she is going out with this guy who has kept pestering her to go out with him and i have seen him cheat on the other girls. I have a really bad feeling about him, but he shown to have some 'special' for her, I convey my concern for this relationship but I didn't stop her, as i didn't want to be a dick and i don't think she would go out with me. Now i feel so heartbroken and i don't know why i'm crying over her, i feel so jealous.

      What is happening?

    • Welcome to Teen Hut Forums, Jase. I hope you stick around since the board owner Mayank is trying to get the forum active again. There is so many great things about 'TH' to learn, and, to for you to enjoy fun here and make friends. :)

      From what I've experienced down the years is that jealousy is the destroyer of friendship, for harsh words in arguments cannot always be retracted once spoken. The love you have for your girl -friend- can only be platonic since she wants to find her own way in love, but you will not help her one bit with the angst you feel, for this jealousy of yours will only drive her further away. All you can do is remain a special friend to her, listening when she wants to talk, only without your arguing your case. The key is listening, and being there when the crap comes down. True friendships are based upon being kind, for jealousy has no place when friendship needs to be nurtured. I realise it's hard, but she needs to find out the hard way that falling in love with this guy could spell disaster. He might, on the other hand, stay true to her. But if you really want to keep this friendship, then you will love her enough to let her go find her own way in love.

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • jason15300 wrote:


      I have a best friend, I have known for 4 years and we are quite close she has had many relationships, some of them I knew they wouldn't work and i have seen that happen and some went quite well and i have been jealous of her boyfriend. Now i'm 15 and secondary school is nearly over and without knowing it i have fallen in love with her but today she messaged me saying she is going out with this guy who has kept pestering her to go out with him and i have seen him cheat on the other girls. I have a really bad feeling about him, but he shown to have some 'special' for her, I convey my concern for this relationship but I didn't stop her, as i didn't want to be a dick and i don't think she would go out with me. Now i feel so heartbroken and i don't know why i'm crying over her, i feel so jealous.

      What is happening?
      well from my point of view, you seem like a really nice chap. If you have known eachother for 4 years now, you have seen guys come and go and you still are friends with her, then you my friend have a very good relationship with her. Now about this new guy, if you really love her then it is preprogrammed that you will go into hyperdirve to protect her from harm. I think she would appreciate that you are concerned about her well-being but you have to make sure you don't "choke" her in your attempt to keep her from harm. Getting hurt is part of growing up. What you can do is just gently tell her that you have seen him cheat on other girls before, but dont force it down her throat. Just say it once and that is enough. Chances are she wont listen to you though so all you will be able to do then is grit your teath and wait for it to end and just be there for her when things come crashing down.
      If you have any more question or need more adivce, just feel free to send me a private message! :) hope i helped