I have a crush..

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    • I have a crush..

      So there's that guy..
      He's incredibly handsome and he studies at the same school as me.
      I discovered him through facebook, and didn't know that he was also a freshman like me. He looked a little older so I thought, "Yeah, he's handsome but I think he's either 2nd or 3rd year of high school." Let's call him A.
      So one day, I told my friend that I had a crush on A and I think he's older than us. When we were out for lunch with her mom, she announced to her mother that I got a crush on a boy. And in our way back to school, we were walking side by side when I saw a boy leaning against a wall, a little from us. I couldn't recognize him well until I got closer and knew that he was the one I saw on facebook, the handsome A.
      He was looking at me from far away, and I looked at him back, then I wanted to tell my bff that he was the one I had a crush one. My bff immediately understood me, and passed the message to her mother as well. I was laughing shyly and passed next to him without looking up.
      Then, we he was out of sight, my bff's mom said, "Oh, he's hella handsome yeah, you were right. But I do think that there is something going in between you two, because I was looking at him and he was staring at you all the way."
      To be honest, I felt kinda happy that he was staring at me even though I weren't.
      The next day, I told A's best friend that I liked A and he promised me that he'll introduce me to him someday. He also told me that he was a freshman just like me.
      And that day came, and he invited A to our classroom. And when I was about to talk to my crush, my classmate dragged me out to introduce me to another guy (because he wanted to date me) I was talking with my classmate out, but I could see from the side of my eye that A was staring at me through the window but I couldn't ignore my classmate and go to him, so he waited for ten minutes and decided to leave afterwards.
      I couldn't meet him, however two boys told me that they had a crush on me and wanted to date me. I didn't like any of them because I still had a crush on A.
      When I was talking with one of the boys, I could see that A was staring at me with an unexplainable stare from the opposite classroom. Then, once again when I was joking with my friends, he was in the furthest corner of the school and he had some of his classmates and his teacher around him but he still stared at me. All I could do was to look at him back, and wonder why he was looking at me.

      Now three boys want to date me, but I only like A even though my friends said that he's a bad guy with a bad personnality and a dirty mind.
      But how could I not like him when he looks like a fifteen years miniature of Jamie Dornan?

      What shall I do?
      Does he seem like he likes me back?
      Shall I tell one of his friends to introduce me to him, or shall I just wait for him to come and talk to me?
      Shall I ignore his stares, or stare at him back so he'll come and talk to me?
      And, what do I do with the other guys?
    • Fearless Light wrote:

      And, what do I do with the other guys?
      well fearless, from a guys point of view, you seem like a very nice and pretty girl...now that can be a blessing and a sentence at the same time: on the one hand everyone likes you, you are pretty, you get along with everyone well and you have a good time, but on the other hand, every guy wants to you know...get to know you....not nesisarly in a "damn thats a hot chick, i'd love to doink her" (but i am sure there are enough guys like that out there) but more in a "hey, look at that pretty girl over there. i wouldnt mind taking her out on a date...maybe see where things go" kind of way. you get what i am saying? now, really the first thing is, listen to your friends. Friends genereally are not trying to prevent you from going on a date with someone. If they say that he is a bad guy with a bad personnality and a dirty mind (mind you, every guys has a dirty mind to some extent) then they arent saying it without a reason. There is something they know and are trying to keep you from being harmed. Another thing is, you found him over facebook (nothing wrong with that, i also found my very first gf over facebook years back), but because you found him on facebook, you only know what he looks like and what he posts on his wall. For example if someone where to go on my facebook, they might get a general impression of me (like you have of A) but that is really all you know about him. Now all of this is only coming from a guys point of view. If you want an experienced girls point of view, you might want to try asking your bff's mother. She seems to like you and i think you can trust her on this matter. I hope i helped you as much as i can :) feel free to message me if you have any more questions which you would like to discuss one-on-one :)
    • Hey, thank you for your reply!
      I talked about the crush I had on A to one of his best friends (she's a girl) and she told me that all I've heard of was wrong and that she knew him since he was a baby: He never drank, he never smoke and he isn't dirty minded like this classamate told me.
      The girl that told me these bad things about A turned out to be a whore that everyone hated, and I was wrong about her.
    • Fearless Light wrote:

      The girl that told me these bad things about A turned out to be a whore that everyone hated, and I was wrong about her.
      Now that it is clear that the rumours about him turned out to be false. You really need to evaluate all three guys and decide which one do you want to date. Now other two guys are ready and this guy needs a little work. What usually one would advice you to do is to try this guy you have a crush on first. If he agrees to go on a date then good, but if he isn't, then choose one of the other two guys who you like more and go on a date. Don't spend too much time on making a decision or you might miss all three. Act quickly.
    • Hey, my crush keeps on looking my way every time at school xD
      Tonight he texted me, and I replied with a small Hey xD Then he was like "Don't you text someone when you add them on facebook?" And I was like, "Oh why, you want me to text you?"
      And he was like, "Just asking."
      So I went like, "Yeah ahaha." *embarassed laugh* Then I asked him, "do you study in Class S1?"
      And he was like "Yeah, how did ya know?"
      I: "Your bff studies in the same class as me."
      Him: "Oh, so you study in our school?"
      I: "Yeah... didn't you know?"
      Him: "No"
      I: "Though I saw you many times.."
      Him: "Maybe I saw you too, don't know.."
      So I was very confused because 1) Why did he text me if he didn't know already who might I be? 2) Does he really don't know me or he's just faking it? 3) He never gets online (he often puts himself offline I think) but he did it these days and he was connected for like two hours for the first time, and then texted me a little before he closed fb.
      So I asked my bff who's a male.. He told me that guys do that all the freaking time to pretend that they don't like that girl.. they talk to her as if she was a stranger.. (I mean if i was really a stranger, he has a lot of strangers on his account, why did he only choose me to talk to?) Then he told me that there's nothing to worry about, and that he might like me too..
      What do you think? I'm super drawn to this boy, and I don't like the other threes.
    • Classic approach. Well, the guy's behaviour is generating interest in you. If the guy acted like he is all into you and crazy, you wouldn't have liked him the way you do now. He is giving you mixed hints and keeping you confused. The idea of this approach is to keep you thinking about him all the time and that sparks interest among girls for the guy. You want to know more, curious! Bingo. He is on the right path. Keep it going and let him play the game. You enjoy it for time being. If you don't like others, then ignore them and play here. This is getting interesting :)
    • why is it that when girls have a crush, they need to evaluate, they weigh options on each candidate and consider each outcome XD I'm jealous lol only one person's ever come out and tell me they had a crush on me, but based on the female crush process, I should feel flattered
      I am the true Don, and as one, you know my life as a life worth inquiring about :cool:
    • theCster wrote:

      why is it that when girls have a crush, they need to evaluate, they weigh options on each candidate and consider each outcome XD I'm jealous lol only one person's ever come out and tell me they had a crush on me, but based on the female crush process, I should feel flattered

      Going off-topic for a while I think it's important that as a woman I try and give you a reasonable answer in defence of women, only without wishing to be preachy in any way.

      There's a big selling book called Men Are From Mars and Women Are From Venus which spells out very clearly what makes guys different from women. That aside, being a woman it seems to me, we are more prone to talk about what we are thinking and feeling, and to demonstrate how we feel with our tears, facial expressions, hand gestures, and body language for example. Many women seem to be more comfortable figuring out how they feel by talking through it.

      From my experience of guys, since I went out with my then-boyfriend Tim for avery long time, typically, guys tend to process their emotions inwardly just like he did. Many times, guys don’t know exactly how they feel, so they try to figure it out on their own feelings inside their head. Some men are afraid of their emotions and keep them buried inside in order to protect themselves from looking weak. Little do they know that most women would accept and understand (and even appreciate!) an expression of their emotion. In the end of my relationship with Tim, he would withhold his feelings whereas I wanted to talk through our problems.

      Guys solve emotional problems on their own. They are also more physical, and tend to work out their emotions by finding solutions, and doing things. The harm is when guys keep stuffing all their feelings inside, letting them simmer and brew, and potentially eat away at them, eventually coming out as anger. In this mindset, there are tremendous benefits to getting one's thoughts and emotions out in the open, in the context of a safe and happy relationship and not letting them destroy us.

      There are differences between the genders. I feel each side needs to do the best they can to understand and deal with the opposite sex, rather than get frustrated about differences. We ought to celebrate them. Just think, what if there were all women in the world, and no men? Or all men in the world, and no women? The world wouldn’t be a very fun place, would it? :|

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • It'd be a hella sad place of a world without women. first there'd be no reproduction, which means small population. There'd be a whole bunch of war considering there wouldn't really be that many interveners in the testosterone rants of a few individuals with the power to claim war. There'd cleanliness would most definitely take a steep drop, and all in all, the planet'd be back to a barbaric state......... damn......
      I am the true Don, and as one, you know my life as a life worth inquiring about :cool:
    • Hello there.
      If A is always staring at you and you see him doing that try to have a look at him with a smile in your face. Not a big smile, a small one to give him the idea that you like him. After this, if he smiles back to you that means he likes you, forget the other guys. Focus on A, if you like him fight for him until he's yours...
      You should be happy, I don't think you will be happy with any of those guys if you like A, in every kiss A will be in front of your eyes and you can put yourself in a really awkward situation.
      Remember, if you smile to A and he doesn't do the same thing maybe he's ''mad'' because of what you did on your class when he was waiting for you, give him some time, if it is needed apologise him.
      Life is beautiful if you know how to live it.
      ...today was a good day...get ready for the tomorrow!