So he flirted with me, but now keeps his distance?

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    • So he flirted with me, but now keeps his distance?

      I'll try to keep this short: I was in the library at lunchtime on the thursday before the holidays and this guy who sat next to me on the other table. I was getting my water bottle out of my bag and bended down to get it. Then i heard someone say "Yo". I looked up and saw this guy smirking/smiling at me. I just nodded and waved a little. He suddenly giggled... I had no idea who he was. After about 10 minutes, i changed table, and it was right behind him. I sat down with my friends and then suddenly i saw a head next to mine. It was the same guy who was leaning on the back of his chair and said "Hey, why don't you get a little closer?". I practically jumped and carried on what i was doing. The bell went so everyone got up. He went next to me while putting on his coat and said "Well i was going to give you a ring (i know, stupid right!?) but the bell just rang/ its too late now." and went away. I didn't see his face since i was still sitting but i imagine it was the same face as before. Next day, i was in line in front of my classroom talking to my friend when i saw him walking past me. He was STARING at me, like really intensely while walking at the same time. I was so shocked seeing him there that i quickly glanced at him in confusion and carried on talking. So yeah, that's basically it. Well, not really actually. Today, i was in the cantine/lunch hall in queue. I looked behind me and saw him far away looking at me. I didn't do anything about it because i was really nervous... My question is, why is he kinda keeping his distance? He was so direct back in the library, i wasn't interested in him until the next day where i saw him walking by. He's not what you'd normaly called 'attractive' but i feel this weird connection to him.

      Oh and also, i've never seen him with any other girl, he's always with guys when i see him. Not that i see him much anyways, he's older that me so not in my year/grade.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Erza: Forgot to add something. ().

    • Hello!

      I'm glad you felt some kind of connection with this guy even if he isn't attractive; maybe there was something in the way he smiled. But I think you should give him time to return to you, if he does. He might have just been trying to be friendly, albeit in a shy way. So I suggest you relax and wait til he makes the next move. Maybe one lunchtime at school when your perched somewhere eating, you see him and give a little smile and let friendship go from there.

      It's all too easy to over-think. Just because the guy was staring at you, maybe he was contemplating his next move? Who knows? Still, in time you will find out and I wish you luck with him.

      I had a nice boyfriend. His face looked like it had collided with the back of a bus. His friends used to tease him, but he had a heart of gold and for the time we dated, I really loved his company. :)

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • Thank you for replying so quickly!
      I really hope you are right, i can't wait until the weekend is over though. You're really lucky that you dated someone who liked you back. ^^
      The guy's smile was kinda cute actually. It really surprised me that someone could be so direct.
    • Sometimes, being direct is the only way and I wish you and him well. You never know where an unusual approach will take and there is every chance you will find him a really sweet guy. I remember my time with Tim and still have a picture of him and I together. Tim went on to marry someone else and raise a family whereas I met with a sweet lady and married her. I think dating is exciting, for we never know where things will lead and can only hope for some romance.

      Let us know how you progress.

      Poppi :)

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • I will tell you what my or his next move will be. It might be first thing on monday or in two weeks time, i have no idea.
      Oh yes, i have another question. There's a boy in my class, if i'm handing out sheets in class or just sitting next to him, he will call be these weird names like 'babes' which i greatly hate to hear, and once he even said something really...dirty which i don't think i'm allowed to mention but i will. "Hey *my name* let's go home and have *** ".
      He doesn't say that to anybody else in class.
      I just hate it when people do this to me and idon't want any problems with them so i say nothing back.
    • Guys who make remarks like that are usually unsure of themselves towards girls, only because they've probably never dated one. "Babes". Yeah, I used to hate that. But that guy who talked dirty to you is someone you need to totally ignore.

      I went to my island's highschool at Pothia in Kalymnos and the student guys there were different, meaning joky but polite. I used to play football with them, got along real well with them. On mainland Greece particularly Athens, the schools were totally different. I'd say I was lucky to be raised on Kalymnos. Everyone there were good natured.

      I don't know how old you are, but it's hard being at school and yet, our education is vital. Nobody enjoys school, but we all have to do it, go through it. Once you get to sixth form college (UK), it's forward onto university and there, social interactions between students are totally different from the education institution many like you have to suffer.

      If you have a good feeling about a guy, trust your instinct but think with your head first over heart. Of course, the heart usually wins and we make stupid decisions, but - it's all part of us growing up and I remember mummy saying, "Don't be afraid of making mistakes. We all do it." Sometimes we see someone we really like, we go from there. I look back at the guy who made me pregnant; he vanished on knowing I was expecting Nikky and mummy at first was very shocked. But as time went on I was glad to be a mother to such a lovely baby, and now Nikky is growing up into such a fine daughter I'm proud of.

      Keep in contact, write to me any time. I may not be feeling well some days, but I will reply when I can.

      I wish you well in your hunt for a nice guy. :)

      Poppi :)

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • I'm 14 years old.
      You're lucky to have been to that school! I'd love to have guy friends that are like that.
      I still enjoy my school, mostly because of my friends and my favorite lessons (music, art, drama...).

      I think it's horrible that some people just run away when they've made someone pregnant just for fun. It's like being a coward.
      Well atleast you have a lovely daughter now :D
    • Aww thanks, Nikky is beautiful. :)

      Most of my school friends made it out of Kalymnos and into mainland Greece and into Athens' university. Another became a mechanical engineer like his father and me and ended up working in Switzerland where he was one of three who designed the mechanics and housing at Thyon's awesome ski chair lift seen here: Panomara Simwatch Live which you'll have to search for using the << at the left hand bottom of the screen. He's wealthy as you can imagine, got 3 kiddies and lives in Verbier.

      Enjoy being 14; I think's it's a lovely age where you're just discovering so many wonderful things. Times do fly, though. Makes me wonder where the last eleven years went. :D

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • Wow, that place looks so cool! When i went on holidays in the mountains to my auntie and uncle's house, i went to a similar place. It was in France, where i used to live for 2 years before i came back to the UK.

      Yeah i have discovered many things already XD
      Time flies really fast. Only when you don't want it to though :/
    • I have family in Megeve ski resort which is situated in the Rhône-Alpes region in south-eastern France. They have a chalet there, they teach skiing and a lot of alpine sports. Many years ago they taught me to ski. When I get well again I intend returning. Can you ski? Lessons aren't expensive. Perhaps you could as about a school trip.

      Verbier is a most friendly ski resort, but like all alpine locations is very cold in the winter months. Perfect for 'powder' though, the perfect joy bringer for all skiers! :D

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • Sorry, i couldn't go online this week.
      I've seen him around a few times, all those times i cowered away -_-
      For example, if i see him walking up the stairs and he's chatting to his friends, i stay behind his back all the time so he can't see me. You see, im just scared of his reaction if im too close.
    • Staying off his radar is a sign of your fear of being hurt; it's a natural feeling. Even I still have that very same fear. I don't honestly know how you can get his attention, except a shy smile? In the past when attracted to some guy, if was all I could do but muster a shy smile and that was sometimes enough for him to come along and say hello. It's possible he's as shy of you, so stays with his friends as a means of covering up his feelings. You see, he made the first move in the beginning and that suggested he was interested, and all you can do is hope.

      It's a difficult one. When I played football with the boys in my school I didn't have any attraction going on at the time. Just wanted to kick the ball about and my experience then of boys was, they like to congregate among their own, but not because they didn't fancy me, but because their interest was on their conversations and doing things together. The time came only when I least expected. He gave me a bottle of 7-Up, a fizzy lemondae of sorts and we nattered together from there.

      We have crushes, they'll never go away whatever age we are, it seems. Though I'm married I still love the sight of someone walking along the street in a confident way, or on telly, say like one of the dancers on Strictly, that dance show. Crushes are a natural feeling, we are all human and we have personal doubts we have to work on. The all important one is to be ourselves... I'll look for a video sometime. Have to go now as mi Macmillan nurse has arrived. I'll be back. :)

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • Back again, buzzing around. :)

      I found this video about a guy called Luca who'd been having problems at university. I think that everyone gets down sometimes and everybody struggles and it's nice knowing other people have gone through similar bad situations, but somehow rose above them. I hope you will find Luca's video helpful.

      Come back online when you can. There's never any timeline.

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • I know what you mean. I've had several people like that and there's no easy answer except resign yourself he is not going to respond and move on from him. It's the way people are. Much of the time when here I feel unappreciated, but have become used to it. It's extra hard for you because you're so young, but in time as you go along in your life, so you will recognise patterns in boys' behaviour. It would be a good idea if you were to learn some aspects of psychology, for you might find this book in your school's library or, ask a teacher if they can obtain it for you to borrow. It's called The Rough Guide to Psychology by Dr Christian Jarrett.

      Starting from an individual perspective, journalist Dr Christian Jarrett explores the mind and the brain, touching on memory, intelligence and personality. He goes on to analyse our relationships with others, including how we choose our friends and partners. He covers the psychological basis of crime, learning, sport, politics and shopping, as well as conditions of impaired mental health such as depression, anxiety and so on. I like how he delves inside our grey matter to explain what makes us who we are. Dr Jarrett has the knack of making the complex ridiculously simple (in a good way) and the boring, incredibly interesting. His writing is both well-informed and very accessible. You can also buy it as an e-book if you have a Kindle.

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.