Need an Opinion

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    • Need an Opinion

      This guy is someone I've been friends with since last year (7th grade). He is mysterious and suspicious of everyone and everything. So much, I didn't understand how to have a conversation with him until the last trimester of last year... but I've always wondered if he liked me because he used to flirt and tease A LOT. Just can't tell if it's different with me or if I'm the same as everyone else. Now he's changed a bit and he's much nicer, but I still have that suspicion.
      To keep it short: basically there are a bunch of signs pointing toward crush, but I'm confused af and in need of opionions

      • he likes to start up footsie by putting his legs in my way (we sit across from each other)
      • he teases me about a guy I absolutely hate saying he should be my boyfriend
      • he smiles when I do
      • he likes to crack jokes
      • he has willingly helped me this year (usually he doesn't help anyone so it surprises me every time)
      • I was talking to a friend and noticed he was walking slower than his usual pace to listen in (or maybe he thought he was part of the conversation but he wasn't talking at all )
      • we actually have a lot of unintentional inside jokes because of the previous year
      • he said, "You were like my best friend last year," which is odd because I thought we weren't really friends (he might've been joking, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't... Wouldn't make sense for the situation)
      • when we pass by each other he usually (lightly) pushes me with his shoulder so that I slightly lose my balance
      • I was laughing at some other guy's joke I barely know and when I looked back over at him he looked slightly annoyed... At least different from when I looked at him 5 seconds earlier
      • I don't really see him flirt with other girls anymore, but then again I don't see him as much as I used to
      • sometimes I'll look away from the teacher and catch him staring at me.... Then we just kinda stare into each other's eyes for a bit and laugh at the awkwardness
      Can't think of anything else but I don't really know what to think of this. Could be a perfectly normal friendship but it's just that weird feeling. Any opinions? ?(
    • Hello! Welcome to Teen Hut. :)

      This guy would creep me out. He displays all the signs of someone obsessed with you, slightly controlling and very definitely socially inept. He has picked you out possibly because you are soft in character and maybe could become controlling. Definitely jealous of other people taking interest in you and very much paranoid, hence him walking slower as if trying to listen in on your conversation with your friend.

      I would very direct and tell him you are uninterested, both as a platonic friend and very definitely not even contemplate a relationship. Because he seems similar to a stalker and is possessive. Very creepy indeed.

      For two years I was with a guy like him, except he wasn't so much creepy, just obsessed. Some time ago I had an architect convert a Martello Tower in Kent to use as a bolthole. Against the likes of him it's impregnable, but it took a court order and a writ to keep him away.

      When we get weird feelings and they remain so, very often we are correct. He doesn't own you and I feel you should impress upon him that you're uninterested, and tell him goodbye.

      I'm not here frequently because of illness, but you're welcome visit my profile, leave me a message or a PM. I wish you well and above all, safe.


      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.