I fucked up, help?

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    • I fucked up, help?

      [WARNING long text :p]

      So I couple of months ago I told my crush I love her and she kinda got surprised cause we've been friends for a long time but she took it quite well you know. So I met up with her a couple of days later and she told me that she thinks I'm attractive (yeah what about that). But nothing happened, nothing. But the next day she texted me "You should've kissed me". So I got really happy and started to fucking spam her facebook, so she kinda got upset and ignored me (rather normal) so I got really pissed and told her that I want her out of my life and I haven't spoken to her since (couple of months ago). Like, what I fucking idiot I am. She's the only reason I'm walking this earth. Guys, please, what the hell do I do?
    • If anyone spammed my Facebook (not that I have one), I'd have got pretty mad, too.

      Yeah, you should have kissed her. That's the result of telling someone you genuinely love them. But instead you fucked with her heart and her mind; little wonder she's upset. Yeah, what a fucking idiot you are. Now, leave her alone for someone to really love and decently care for her. How about you take a long walk off a short peer? :(

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • Sadly, I have to agree. I just want her to be happy. If she's happy I'm happy. And to let her go is the only way.
      It's quite strange how just one thing can change you whole life (like a kiss?). Thanks for the respond man, I appreciate it.
      And to anyone out there reading this. If you love someone, just fucking go for it. Don't make the same mistake I did.
    • Only reason you're walking this Earth isn't because of her , it's because your daddy had successful sexual intercourse with your mamita ... xD :D

      Joking ... Well , what can I say bro . I mean , months have passed since then , you're one that wanted her out of your life , not her . Just move on , I mean , it's not end of the World ... :D
      Life is nice enjoy in life ...
    • I say, don't be pathetic.
      Don't trade, linger on your misery. You're on the outside looking in, and it's no fun. But, whatever-your-name-is, nobody gives a damn if you cry. Whining about all the things you miss doesn't bond you to her in any fashion. If she's happy about losing your friendship, then you are just showing a passion for nostalgia. And you shouldn't. If she's unhappy, then you're amplifying what she already knows. And relationships, as we know, can hurt. Everybody knows that. So, don't act like a hapless mope about it. You wouldn't be on the outs if you hadn't created some misery yourself. Stand up straight, look in the mirror, smile, eat some fruit :)
      just feel good about yourself. Confidence. You've been friends for a long time, you said so no doubt you've already had some hiccups, you've both seen the other side of the spectrum about each other.
      Show that you will — both — survive. It's an assertion that you have changed, or will change, and that's probably what she wanted in the first place.
      All the best.
      :) <3
      6/5/16 - The date i became permanently in love :lovey:
    • "So I got really happy and started to fucking spam her facebook" made me laugh, that's cute. If a guy did that to me I'd be flattered, of course some girls do not appreciate it... in this case that is clear. have you tried talking to her again since? but really, if she really liked you maybe she should have put in some effort too, relationships have to be a two way street. from my own life experiences I say there are plenty more partners out there for you!! holding out for one person ends in misery if the other person is not interested, then it's like one of you is forcing yourself to be in that relationship, but that's only my opinion.

      You got too happy and spammed her and she got upset or angry. Perhaps because she saw something in you that she disliked or was hoping not to see. Maybe she thought that you acted like a child or was immature or it just genuinely annoyed her. Sometimes what happens is the girl thinks that you are too much into her and she probably just had a small crush. So she gets afraid and backs off.

      You should have just said Sorry and given her the space. If she isn't like crazy angry with you, she would ignore you for a while but later come back to talk to you, or atleast drop a text or something to let you know that her ignoring you don't mean she hates you and does not want to talk to you ever.

      But you went and told her to fuck off from your life. That probably sealed the fate. The best suggestion would be to find another girl and leave this one because you have destroyed your chances. But if you still want to try this girl, then you have one option. You have to be honest with her. Say Sorry to her and try explaining what happened. If she sees you as innocent or the whole thing as one off incident, she may speak with you.Let her see you as her stupid friend who made a mistake and acted like an idiot. Be a man and own up the mistake.

      Tell her you are sorry :) After apologising, don't talk to her. Let her come back to you. If she does not, then never bother her, it is over. A girl is going to take her own sweet time to get over it.
    • SwedishBoyy wrote:

      Thanks guys for all of your great suggestions on what to do. I will tell her I'm sorry for the bottom of my heart this evening!
      And then all I can do is to wait and see.
      YAYYY you get her! i wish you the best of luck :) :D
      6/5/16 - The date i became permanently in love :lovey:
    • SwedishBoyy wrote:

      Thanks guys for all of your great suggestions on what to do. I will tell her I'm sorry for the bottom of my heart this evening!
      And then all I can do is to wait and see.
      After your sorry, give her 100% space and just wait patiently. Don't start talking till she comes to speak with you. Even if she does speak with you, go slow. Don't show like you are too happy or once again back to square one. Good Luck and do update us on progress :)
    • Okay, so I said sorry and she gladly accepted (she said sorry too for some reason?). And she told me she liked me but only as friends. Then she asked me "So, how is it going with the ladies" and I was like "Idc about other women, only you" and then she pointed out again that she only want to be friends. One more thing to mention is that a while ago when we talked she kinda asked me a question like this: "Would you have sex with me if you could" and I was like "Ofcourse I would" (she's a very attractive lady and I love her ofc so I laughed and said yes) and then she giggled and hung up. Like, wtf haha? :D
      I mean she often gives me like "hints" that that she's interested but then she like says "Let's just be friends", I just don't fucking get women nowadays. What should I do now?
    • SwedishBoyy wrote:

      Yeah but I don't get it, at one point she's like "I like you" and then at another point she's like "Let's just be friends", I literally have no fucking idea what to do :/

      sounds like she doesn't really know what she wants but also doesn't want to lose you as a friend, so maybe take it slow there and give her time to understand what she's feeling. If she's still speaking to you after all that time she likes you in one way or another, pushing it will only make her more uneasy and probably stop talking to you again. If she's a good friend then it's better than nothing
    • SwedishBoyy wrote:

      Yeah but I don't get it, at one point she's like "I like you" and then at another point she's like "Let's just be friends", I literally have no fucking idea what to do :/
      she obviously likes you, just take it slow, treat her well, chat, talk do what regular friends do. don't abuse the forgiveness she gave you. she'll understand what she wants after a while.
      6/5/16 - The date i became permanently in love :lovey:
    • SwedishBoyy wrote:

      Well, cheers for all the great replies guys. I hope that one day, she'll like me more than a friend, just one day. It's to 99.9% never going to happen but it's the 0.1% that keeps me going.
      Cheers guys.
      Happy to be of assistance.
      6/5/16 - The date i became permanently in love :lovey: