Remembering the ones you Loved.

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    • Remembering the ones you Loved.

      Ok so.... i just feel like writing about this for some reason, writing about my shit tends to give me a tiny sense of relief so... please don't comment... please don't even like either
      Sigh* Remembering all those memories we had when we were younger.
      About 11 years ago I met Olivia, we weren't very fond of each other at first,
      the first thing she said to me was "BEANIE! THATS MINE!" as she ripped "The Rainbow-fish" book out of my hands,
      i remember us always bickering and annoying each-other.
      Then lol one day we were assigned to write "what we like about ???" and i got Olive.
      i wracked my brain "what was there to like about Olivia?". saying that "i like olivia because we both liked reading" wouldn't work, it just wouldn't suffice.
      I didn't really understand it, it was easy to think about what i liked about Aliesha and Courtney, i could even think about something for "Monkey ears" Brently, but... i was assigned Olive.
      I sat closer to her to see what she wrote for her person, turns out she was like-wise assigned Me to write about.
      I remember seeing her fidgeting in her chair, the lines of the paper still completely empty, whats weird was that she was a better writer than I, and even she couldn't think of something to write about.
      When she noticed that i was looking at her piece i gave an awkward smile and she gave me this huge grin and giggled. I had what i wanted to write.
      "I like Olivia because she has a nice smile"
      After, she came up to me and said "Hey Smiley Boy, what did you end up writing about?"
      I say "your smile", she smiled again and said "i wrote about your smile too"

      The word "Cooties" is forever branded in my mind. what was bad about playing with a girl?
      i remember protesting with the other boys to allow her to play 4-square with us.
      "Cooties arent even real" i defend, and see her smile again, i pass the ball to her and we walked off.
      THEN effing (what ever his name was) sprints towards her, knocks her over and takes the ball(I WAS FUCKEN INFURIATED) what-ever-his-name-was the stoops over her and says
      "See you're just a little girl with coot-"
      i punched him in the face.
      haha when i helped her up she said "You're gonna get in troubblllllleeeeeee" i gave her a huge smile and said that it was worth it.
      she smiled back and said "you're not worried about cooties?"
      we became very very close friends,
      we were inseparable, always getting each-other into trouble and laughing about it later.
      On our first day of high-school my father dropped us off and thankfully we were in the same core class: 9TU
      she was such a weirdo in highschool,
      i started noticing* girls and whenever a girl would walk past us and smile at me, olive would always pretend to choke on something.
      her criticisms were always just "Really Smiley boy? HER?"
      in year ten, when i traversed into the other side of the teenage world, i developed a "reputation" with girls and
      at lunches i would sometimes ditch to pursue ummm "things" and olive wasnt really proud of having that kind of friend and started to drift away.
      We would still smile at eachother when ever there was a chance, but we were too endorsed in different worlds of the teen society.
      When the 2013 FAHS ball was announced we had 5 months to ask someone out, i wasnt planning on going, i didnt really "like" anyone enough for them to actually go out with me.
      but one day when me and my mother were going grocery chopping i noticed someone i hadn't really noticed before.
      there she was absolutely stunningly beautiful.... sweet,funny and her smile lighting up the room, beckoning me forward.
      When i asked her to go to the ball with me she said "took you long enough smiley boy"
      we started to actually date. We then began a 4 month relationship that I can only describe as the
      highest of highs and the lowest of the beginning all was
      good- the woman of dreams, she wanted the same things I did. All was good.
      we went to the movies and saw "the Great Gatsby" we sat right at the back, practically laughing the entire time, just remembering all the fun things we got up too. It was blissful heaven being with her.
      The day of the ball i hired a limo(yes i'm classy)
      she wore a very pretty purple dress with a black waist thingy, and i wore a tux.
      the funniest thing about the dance was when they started playing the "Macarena", some girls dance erotically to the most strangest things.
      then the song "Aloha oe" came on, thats when me and olive kissed for the first time(well the first time i kissed her on the lips)
      The school spent nearly $7000 on this amazing band afterwards and that was fantastic too.
      The Catering was great, they had Cherry pie... flwnelnflwenljwgnwjeg so effing good.
      We went to an after party which was crap because the school decided to ring the police and tell them to patrol the town, so the party ended very quickly.
      Olivia's father and mother were on holiday and she had a spare key to the house so we spent the rest of the night there.

      Then... little things started happening. She would blow off dates at the
      last second. She would have weird feelings about things she loved, ignore my attention, she would miss school for days, or just out of the blue go home during class.... I can go on and on- but the long
      and short of it was, that she was pregnant. the one and only time we had sex together got her pregnant.

      When we discovered this... our entire lives turned upside down.
      My father kicked me out, my brother kicked himself out, my mother gave me the silent treatment for ages, olivia just shut me out and neglected me, no matter how i tried to support her, i even asked if we should get married. Her father said that i ruined her life, he was a stupid imfgwngwng OF A FATHER! he decided it was in her best interest to abort the baby and leave. LEAVE! AND SHE AGREED! my beloved friend was willing to leave just leave me like that. I wasnt able to change her mind. on the 25th of november she agreed to meet me... but it was just to say goodbye, The only and last thing she said to me was "Goodbye B'ni" NO HUG, NO KISS, just... just a stupid "goodbye" it wasn't enough. she got in her dads car and left. that was the last time i ever saw her. Its been 3 years now. i had to go back to the normal B'ni. no-one i have met since then has remotely amounted to the appreciation i gave olivia. People arent really interested in just being friends either. i'm just a "score"
      My school also didnt know why she left, they thought "oh she just had to move to a better school". some people even thought it was a good thing she left for some reason. that was the year i sorta went over board.
      it wasnt until the end of this year they learned what actually happened and i was immediately shunned and isolated and i was categorized as a stupid slut that gets girls pregnant. I have never been treated worse. i dont really care tbh. I'm not phased by peoples opinions of me. i just dont like it when they talk about her in the same manner. i miss her.

      i wonder if she's happy, if she still smiles that cute smile
      if she's met someone. If i could see her again.

      and If she misses me.
      doubt it.
      i ruined her life.
      Just another one of my many mistakes.
      6/5/16 - The date i became permanently in love :lovey:
    • "The best has yet to come", said Nikky only last night. "Remember Robert Frost, that author you love when he said,"

      'Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.'

      "You've got to still walk your path, Mummy."

      So true. :)

      . . .

      B'ni. I am very deeply moved by your story, for it evokes a sad memory of someone I love but lost. Until a close friend told me that "If you really, really love her, then love her enough to let her go".

      When I finally let go, it felt as if a great burden had fallen off me. I finally let the one I loved, go. She may well remember me just as your girl did, but we have to love them enough to do just that.


      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • Thank you for your wisdom
      i "let her go" as soon as she told me that she agreed to abort my baby. i
      know it was her choice, but i got down on my knees and begged her to
      change her mind, she looked into my eyes and said "No B'ni!" i hate "no"
      and the fact the she said it without any remorse or sympathy... broke
      my heart. thats when i stopped loving her,
      i just miss her. and i wonder what my life would be like right now if i had just been more... attentive.
      6/5/16 - The date i became permanently in love :lovey:
    • Sorry to hear that . But the fact is that you two are guilty for that .

      Her father acted wisely in that situation I must say , he couldn't be better . I would do the same if I would be in his place . Maybe you don't or don't want to understand him now , but you'll understand in few years .
      Recently in Serbia or Bosnia ( I don't remember ) , there was case similar to yours . When daughter told that to her father , he called boy that was father of the child to their home . Man took gun and killed that boy , his daughter , his wife , guests in the house , and finally himself . Consider yourself lucky in every way ...
      On other side , if I would do thing like that to some girl , no doubt that dad would literally break my bones and clean the floor with my face . Mom would be on my side , but does it matter ...

      After all , life continues ... Years have passed ...
    • B'ni Dhana wrote:

      Thank you for your wisdom
      i "let her go" as soon as she told me that she agreed to abort my baby. i know it was her choice, but i got down on my knees and begged her to change her mind, she looked into my eyes and said "No B'ni!" i hate "no" and the fact the she said it without any remorse or sympathy... broke my heart. thats when i stopped loving her,
      i just miss her. and i wonder what my life would be like right now if i had just been more... attentive.
      At the time, I was being kind. In retrospect, had Olivia been my daughter you knocked up you'd be singing castrato by now. :|

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • AccessDenied wrote:

      B'ni Dhana wrote:

      Thank you for your wisdom
      i "let her go" as soon as she told me that she agreed to abort my baby. i know it was her choice, but i got down on my knees and begged her to change her mind, she looked into my eyes and said "No B'ni!" i hate "no" and the fact the she said it without any remorse or sympathy... broke my heart. thats when i stopped loving her,
      i just miss her. and i wonder what my life would be like right now if i had just been more... attentive.
      At the time, I was being kind. In retrospect, had Olivia been my daughter you knocked up you'd be singing castrato by now. :|
    • AccessDenied wrote:

      B'ni Dhana wrote:

      Thank you for your wisdom
      i "let her go" as soon as she told me that she agreed to abort my baby. i know it was her choice, but i got down on my knees and begged her to change her mind, she looked into my eyes and said "No B'ni!" i hate "no" and the fact the she said it without any remorse or sympathy... broke my heart. thats when i stopped loving her,
      i just miss her. and i wonder what my life would be like right now if i had just been more... attentive.
      At the time, I was being kind. In retrospect, had Olivia been my daughter you knocked up you'd be singing castrato by now. :|

      it doesn't help when i'm met with jabs and side-eyes. lol You have no idea how f$%#@% pathetic and just... whatever i feel about it. And while we all know sassy comebacks and berating remarks(usually what you post), responding to negativity with negativity is never a good idea. Not only will it get you and your naysayers nowhere, but it could end up causing resentment. The insecurity and disappointment in my heart about my lol.... decisions, ESPECIALLY this one is unbearable. I HATE IT. and i hate that the reason of all this strife is me, my poor character is what makes me do wrong things.
      6/5/16 - The date i became permanently in love :lovey:
    • B'ni Dhana wrote:

      AccessDenied wrote:

      B'ni Dhana wrote:

      Thank you for your wisdom
      i "let her go" as soon as she told me that she agreed to abort my baby. i know it was her choice, but i got down on my knees and begged her to change her mind, she looked into my eyes and said "No B'ni!" i hate "no" and the fact the she said it without any remorse or sympathy... broke my heart. thats when i stopped loving her,
      i just miss her. and i wonder what my life would be like right now if i had just been more... attentive.
      At the time, I was being kind. In retrospect, had Olivia been my daughter you knocked up you'd be singing castrato by now. :|
      it doesn't help when i'm met with jabs and side-eyes. You have no idea how fucking pathetic and sorrowful i feel about it. And while we all know sassy comebacks and berating remarks, responding to negativity with negativity is never a good idea. Not only will it get you and your naysayers nowhere, but it could end up causing resentment. The insecurity and disappointment in my heart about my fucking heinous decisions, ESPECIALLY this one is unbearable. I HATE IT. and i hate that the reason of all this strife is me, my poor character is what makes me do wrong things. circumstances cause me to act a certain way.It's sad noticing others judging my life. I don't try to be an awful person

      B'ni Dhana wrote:

      Excuse my English.

      No, I won't excuse your English. Learn to paragraph and punctuate, taking extra time on this forum because its software doesn't recognise sentencing and paragraphing which you have to do manually.

      And I won't excuse your manipulative manner trying to curry favour with me into becoming your friend again, in particular do NOT post topics directly relating to me; worst is writing my name and username on them. If you want to get me in a dangerous thuggish rage, continue. I hate people who try emotional blackmail to make me feel guilty. Fuck that! In real life if we ever met in New Zealand I wouldn't feel the slightest bit guilty about smashing you in the mouth, let it be said.

      So... what happened to Olivia's birth control every young woman should be using these days? What happened to your's? Ever heard of condoms? A guy should never rely on their girlfriend to be using birth control. It is their responsibility, too. At 12 year's old I was too young to realise, and Mummy never even knew I was sexually active until I broke the news of my pregnancy to her. The fault of Olivia's abortion lies with the both of you, though her parents had every right to get into a rage just like your own.

      Still, lessons have been learnt and what is done is now done. Try not to beat yourself up about it. Five minutes from now as your story thread disappears down the page, you will be forgotten just like the rest of us.

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • AccessDenied wrote:

      B'ni Dhana wrote:

      AccessDenied wrote:

      B'ni Dhana wrote:

      Thank you for your wisdom
      i "let her go" as soon as she told me that she agreed to abort my baby. i know it was her choice, but i got down on my knees and begged her to change her mind, she looked into my eyes and said "No B'ni!" i hate "no" and the fact the she said it without any remorse or sympathy... broke my heart. thats when i stopped loving her,
      i just miss her. and i wonder what my life would be like right now if i had just been more... attentive.
      At the time, I was being kind. In retrospect, had Olivia been my daughter you knocked up you'd be singing castrato by now. :|
      it doesn't help when i'm met with jabs and side-eyes. You have no idea how fucking pathetic and sorrowful i feel about it. And while we all know sassy comebacks and berating remarks, responding to negativity with negativity is never a good idea. Not only will it get you and your naysayers nowhere, but it could end up causing resentment. The insecurity and disappointment in my heart about my fucking heinous decisions, ESPECIALLY this one is unbearable. I HATE IT. and i hate that the reason of all this strife is me, my poor character is what makes me do wrong things. circumstances cause me to act a certain way.It's sad noticing others judging my life. I don't try to be an awful person

      B'ni Dhana wrote:

      Excuse my English.

      No, I won't excuse your English. Learn to paragraph and punctuate, taking extra time on this forum because its software doesn't recognise sentencing and paragraphing which you have to do manually.

      And I won't excuse your manipulative manner trying to curry favour with me into becoming your friend again, in particular do NOT post topics directly relating to me; worst is writing my name and username on them. If you want to get me in a dangerous thuggish rage, continue. I hate people who try emotional blackmail to make me feel guilty. Fuck that! In real life if we ever met in New Zealand I wouldn't feel the slightest bit guilty about smashing you in the mouth, let it be said.

      So... what happened to Olivia's birth control every young woman should be using these days? What happened to your's? Ever heard of condoms? A guy should never rely on their girlfriend to be using birth control. It is their responsibility, too. At 12 year's old I was too young to realise, and Mummy never even knew I was sexually active until I broke the news of my pregnancy to her. The fault of Olivia's abortion lies with the both of you, though her parents had every right to get into a rage just like your own.

      Still, lessons have been learnt and what is done is now done. Try not to beat yourself up about it. Five minutes from now as your story thread disappears down the page, you will be forgotten just like the rest of us.

      whatever poppi, i didn't ask for you to comment, I don't care anymore to be honest. So many people hate me over this bullshit, you vaulting into the fray along with the many others makes no difference to me. so, fuck it. Woo. i don't care if you are my friend or not. Hate me, don't hate me, your opinion doesn't mean anything to me anymore. I'm done with it all, i should have expected such a response from someone so bitter. just leave me alone.

      -I didn't use a condom, I didn't think she could get pregnant after one time but i was wrong as always. You don't need to judge me so harshly.
      6/5/16 - The date i became permanently in love :lovey:
    • B'ni Dhana wrote:

      AccessDenied wrote:

      B'ni Dhana wrote:

      AccessDenied wrote:

      B'ni Dhana wrote:

      Thank you for your wisdom
      i "let her go" as soon as she told me that she agreed to abort my baby. i know it was her choice, but i got down on my knees and begged her to change her mind, she looked into my eyes and said "No B'ni!" i hate "no" and the fact the she said it without any remorse or sympathy... broke my heart. thats when i stopped loving her,
      i just miss her. and i wonder what my life would be like right now if i had just been more... attentive.
      At the time, I was being kind. In retrospect, had Olivia been my daughter you knocked up you'd be singing castrato by now. :|
      it doesn't help when i'm met with jabs and side-eyes. You have no idea how fucking pathetic and sorrowful i feel about it. And while we all know sassy comebacks and berating remarks, responding to negativity with negativity is never a good idea. Not only will it get you and your naysayers nowhere, but it could end up causing resentment. The insecurity and disappointment in my heart about my fucking heinous decisions, ESPECIALLY this one is unbearable. I HATE IT. and i hate that the reason of all this strife is me, my poor character is what makes me do wrong things. circumstances cause me to act a certain way.It's sad noticing others judging my life. I don't try to be an awful person

      B'ni Dhana wrote:

      Excuse my English.
      No, I won't excuse your English. Learn to paragraph and punctuate, taking extra time on this forum because its software doesn't recognise sentencing and paragraphing which you have to do manually.

      And I won't excuse your manipulative manner trying to curry favour with me into becoming your friend again, in particular do NOT post topics directly relating to me; worst is writing my name and username on them. If you want to get me in a dangerous thuggish rage, continue. I hate people who try emotional blackmail to make me feel guilty. Fuck that! In real life if we ever met in New Zealand I wouldn't feel the slightest bit guilty about smashing you in the mouth, let it be said.

      So... what happened to Olivia's birth control every young woman should be using these days? What happened to your's? Ever heard of condoms? A guy should never rely on their girlfriend to be using birth control. It is their responsibility, too. At 12 year's old I was too young to realise, and Mummy never even knew I was sexually active until I broke the news of my pregnancy to her. The fault of Olivia's abortion lies with the both of you, though her parents had every right to get into a rage just like your own.

      Still, lessons have been learnt and what is done is now done. Try not to beat yourself up about it. Five minutes from now as your story thread disappears down the page, you will be forgotten just like the rest of us.
      whatever, I don't care anymore to be honest. So many people hate me over this bullshit, you vaulting into the fray along with the many others makes no difference to me. so, fuck it. Woo. i don't care if you are my friend or not. Hate me, don't hate me, your opinion doesn't mean anything to me anymore. I'm done with it all, i should have expected such a response from someone so bitter. just leave me alone.

      -I didn't use a condom, I didn't think she could get pregnant after one time but i was wrong as always. You don't need to judge me so harshly.
      This is not actually the issue I have. It's your brash attidue that upset my adoptive sister Beth, the one who I am closest to in my family. After you insulted her for trying to help you, she called you a complete ass and washed her hands of you. Out of all this it's not what you wrote on this thread, but what you are. And for treating Beth like you did, I am so done with you. :(

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • AccessDenied wrote:

      B'ni Dhana wrote:

      AccessDenied wrote:

      B'ni Dhana wrote:

      AccessDenied wrote:

      B'ni Dhana wrote:

      Thank you for your wisdom
      i "let her go" as soon as she told me that she agreed to abort my baby. i know it was her choice, but i got down on my knees and begged her to change her mind, she looked into my eyes and said "No B'ni!" i hate "no" and the fact the she said it without any remorse or sympathy... broke my heart. thats when i stopped loving her,
      i just miss her. and i wonder what my life would be like right now if i had just been more... attentive.
      At the time, I was being kind. In retrospect, had Olivia been my daughter you knocked up you'd be singing castrato by now. :|
      it doesn't help when i'm met with jabs and side-eyes. You have no idea how fucking pathetic and sorrowful i feel about it. And while we all know sassy comebacks and berating remarks, responding to negativity with negativity is never a good idea. Not only will it get you and your naysayers nowhere, but it could end up causing resentment. The insecurity and disappointment in my heart about my fucking heinous decisions, ESPECIALLY this one is unbearable. I HATE IT. and i hate that the reason of all this strife is me, my poor character is what makes me do wrong things. circumstances cause me to act a certain way.It's sad noticing others judging my life. I don't try to be an awful person

      B'ni Dhana wrote:

      Excuse my English.
      No, I won't excuse your English. Learn to paragraph and punctuate, taking extra time on this forum because its software doesn't recognise sentencing and paragraphing which you have to do manually.
      And I won't excuse your manipulative manner trying to curry favour with me into becoming your friend again, in particular do NOT post topics directly relating to me; worst is writing my name and username on them. If you want to get me in a dangerous thuggish rage, continue. I hate people who try emotional blackmail to make me feel guilty. Fuck that! In real life if we ever met in New Zealand I wouldn't feel the slightest bit guilty about smashing you in the mouth, let it be said.

      So... what happened to Olivia's birth control every young woman should be using these days? What happened to your's? Ever heard of condoms? A guy should never rely on their girlfriend to be using birth control. It is their responsibility, too. At 12 year's old I was too young to realise, and Mummy never even knew I was sexually active until I broke the news of my pregnancy to her. The fault of Olivia's abortion lies with the both of you, though her parents had every right to get into a rage just like your own.

      Still, lessons have been learnt and what is done is now done. Try not to beat yourself up about it. Five minutes from now as your story thread disappears down the page, you will be forgotten just like the rest of us.
      whatever, I don't care anymore to be honest. So many people hate me over this bullshit, you vaulting into the fray along with the many others makes no difference to me. so, fuck it. Woo. i don't care if you are my friend or not. Hate me, don't hate me, your opinion doesn't mean anything to me anymore. I'm done with it all, i should have expected such a response from someone so bitter. just leave me alone.

      -I didn't use a condom, I didn't think she could get pregnant after one time but i was wrong as always. You don't need to judge me so harshly.
      This is not actually the issue I have. It's your brash attidue that upset my adoptive sister Beth, the one who I am closest to in my family. After you insulted her for trying to help you, she called you a complete ass and washed her hands of you. Out of all this it's not what you wrote on this thread, but what you are. And for treating Beth like you did, I am so done with you. :(

      i explained and apologized, i just didn't understand why she would post photos to me???, and i acknowledged her advice, it was very moving, ive read it 3 times now. i didn't care what she looked like, i was just interested in her guidance. all i said was "i don't need to know what you look like" but obviously she took offense PROBABLY because i didn't swoon over her or compliment her appearance. i never meant to hurt her. feelings.
      6/5/16 - The date i became permanently in love :lovey:
    • Knowing you ADORE cherries, get your mum to make this and STFU.

      150g digestive biscuits
      80g soft butter
      300g cream cheese
      50g icing sugar
      1 tsp vanilla extract
      1 tsp lemon juice
      250ml double cream
      A tin of cherry pie filling

      Whiz the digestives with the butter in a food processor, or bash down to crumbs in a plastic bag with a rolling pin. Press the mixture into a greased 8in cheesecake tin. Beat the cream cheese, icing sugar, vanilla and lemon juice in a bowl. In a separate bowl, whip the cream until it forms soft peaks, then fold it into the cream cheese mixture. Spoon over the base, smoothing with a spatula, and leave it in the fridge for a few hours. Before serving, take it out of the tin and spread the cherry pie filling over the top.

      My mother used to tell me stories about my grandmother making this when she hosted dinner parties – Mum would join forces with her twin brother and older brother to steal the cherries off the top before it was served. If there was any left, they would finish it for breakfast next morning.

      While I’m not sure I can recommend it as a breakfast dish, it is a stunning addition to any occasion but quick and simple for anybody to make.

      Maya Reid-Cain, age 13

      The Guardian UK

      Sometimes the best memories people make, are new ones.
    • AccessDenied wrote:

      Knowing you ADORE cherries, get your mum to make this and STFU.

      150g digestive biscuits
      80g soft butter
      300g cream cheese
      50g icing sugar
      1 tsp vanilla extract
      1 tsp lemon juice
      250ml double cream
      A tin of cherry pie filling

      Whiz the digestives with the butter in a food processor, or bash down to crumbs in a plastic bag with a rolling pin. Press the mixture into a greased 8in cheesecake tin. Beat the cream cheese, icing sugar, vanilla and lemon juice in a bowl. In a separate bowl, whip the cream until it forms soft peaks, then fold it into the cream cheese mixture. Spoon over the base, smoothing with a spatula, and leave it in the fridge for a few hours. Before serving, take it out of the tin and spread the cherry pie filling over the top.

      My mother used to tell me stories about my grandmother making this when she hosted dinner parties – Mum would join forces with her twin brother and older brother to steal the cherries off the top before it was served. If there was any left, they would finish it for breakfast next morning.

      While I’m not sure I can recommend it as a breakfast dish, it is a stunning addition to any occasion but quick and simple for anybody to make.

      Maya Reid-Cain, age 13

      The Guardian UK
    • AccessDenied wrote:

      Knowing you ADORE cherries, get your mum to make this and STFU.

      150g digestive biscuits
      80g soft butter
      300g cream cheese
      50g icing sugar
      1 tsp vanilla extract
      1 tsp lemon juice
      250ml double cream
      A tin of cherry pie filling

      Whiz the digestives with the butter in a food processor, or bash down to crumbs in a plastic bag with a rolling pin. Press the mixture into a greased 8in cheesecake tin. Beat the cream cheese, icing sugar, vanilla and lemon juice in a bowl. In a separate bowl, whip the cream until it forms soft peaks, then fold it into the cream cheese mixture. Spoon over the base, smoothing with a spatula, and leave it in the fridge for a few hours. Before serving, take it out of the tin and spread the cherry pie filling over the top.

      My mother used to tell me stories about my grandmother making this when she hosted dinner parties – Mum would join forces with her twin brother and older brother to steal the cherries off the top before it was served. If there was any left, they would finish it for breakfast next morning.

      While I’m not sure I can recommend it as a breakfast dish, it is a stunning addition to any occasion but quick and simple for anybody to make.

      Maya Reid-Cain, age 13

      The Guardian UK
      OH.... OH.... OH.... MY.... OH.... just... look at all the red... oh... i'm gonna eat this so hard, INHALE* EXHALE* holy spirits, this will be righteous.

      Th... thank you.
      6/5/16 - The date i became permanently in love :lovey: