I told her that I like her...but she...

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    • I told her that I like her...but she...

      Hello! I'm a boy at the age of 16. I like a girl. She is my classmate. I'm pretty good at talking and flirting with girls but she's different. Actually I get along with that girl very good and I have noticed many flirt and interest signs at her (I'm pretty good with the body language).
      One night we went to a party with the class (not with all the class but this is not important) and I asked her to slow dance and she accepted. While we were dancing I said ''You know that I like you, rignt ?'' and she replied ''Umm...Yeah...I think...yes I know...(haha)'' then I said ''It's important the feelings to be mutual'' and she replied ''Umm..I don't know...I'm not sure'' and we continued dancing till the end of the music.
      My question is - does she like me ? Is she making herself inaccessible or she really doesn't like me ? She's kind of a shy girl.
      thank you ! :rolleyes:

      P.S. Sorry if I have grammar or other mistakes , I'm not native English speaker.