Escape modern society

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    • Escape modern society

      I just can not take the stress of my normal life anymore. I'm told what to do, when to do, how to do, and how well to do everything in my life by my teachers/parents. I don't control my present and future self because I'm told to do everything by someone else. I want to control my own future. I have been thinking about this for a while and, wouldn't it be cool to just run away and escape your every day life? Even if it was just for a week I feel like it would clear my mind of everything and help me refocus. Just for one whole week without the boring materialistic life style sounds absolutely amazing. I would pack all the clothes I need, grab some money and grab some food and just walk away from my life for an entire week and go where my feet feel like taking me. This would absolutely devastate my parents if they woke up one day and do not see there son in bed. I really don't want them to worry so I would leave them a note explaining everything and tell them I will be okay. I would have my rifle on me for protection and a pocket knife in case all else fails. What do you think? Should I do this or is this just stupid? I feel like it would really help me clear my mind and take all the anxiety away that has been building up since the start of my high school year. Please give me some feed back.
    • You're being weak, your family may have made decisions and taken action in your behalf because you're so intrusive, you couldn’t make decisions for yourself because from what i just read, you're allowing them to do this, which - no offense - displays a level of self ineptitude that borders on the pathetic. Perhaps they thought you wouldn’t make good decisions or they didn’t like the decisions you were making before this all started. Saying you want control is nothing when you're freely giving the steering wheel of your life away, they're GONNA continue making decisions on your behalf. Running away "for a week" won't solve anything either, that's ludicrous, i suggest stepping up for once. (emphasis on the full stop)

      On the other hand, often, the decisions that are made for you and the resulting action may not be those you would have chosen. But still be the better choice.
      6/5/16 - The date i became permanently in love :lovey:
    • I fully agree with Bongo555 and his desire to leave for a while ( he says a week or so ) with his rifle and knife and his camp plus food, his comp, cache, and camp. I understand such a feeling and do so when I am 18+. My bro and I intend such long before but where to go is a problem in the city so we decide against. We eventually decide different. I decide any where, and end up at a public park and then end up in some one's basement. I refuse the finger method. My brother ends up in the west Viginia then ( 2nd exit ) LA via the finger from the hi-way and does so before I decide my way. He returns home twice before we both go and refuse to return. He NEVER returns EVER after his 3rd exit. I return then go away and return 20 years later. My bro comes to me meanwhile twice, not home but to me, and he leaves me to go his own way and ever since is gone and wants nothing of me to meet ever since. I return to see mom die, and see the body, and see my sister and other older unwelcome brother, he who left home to join the army. Making your way means out, not your friends house, though that might be all it takes, as your lover's house, for example. You have to make it work. A week and for a while sounds perfect to get away. Is that not why parents use their parents to send the kids away to ? You are making your own choice and I like you for choosing it. Make me your destination and you can sleep on the floor near Cobbs Creek ( no Guns ) next to Philadelphia. In case. [Parents are parents not guards. As guardians they are not guards of a prison. Home is a home not a jail.] HA HA ♫♪♫♫ around a campfire