Did he lead me on?

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    • Did he lead me on?

      Alright so , I've been crushing on this guy for so long now (a few months) and he's just kind of slowing me down i guess? When I started liking him we used to talk everyday with no problems and one day I was absent from school and my bestfriend and her boyfriend followed my crush around and asked him if he liked me and he said yes which made me so happy but the next day is when he started ignoring me and I didn't even say anything to me which I think he just lead me on.. Now I think he likes some other girl because he was at his friends house and on snapchat his friend was like "(my crushs name) if you lay a finger on me I'll tell everyone your crush and how you look for her everytime you say her name" which made me so confused and a little bit upset and it's just so frustrating and I'm planning to try and talk to him in like 2 weeks after school before our mid term (2 weeks off) before it's really too late but idk what to say?! And before people say "move on" and stuff , I've tried . I've cried over him so many times and I can't , this sounds so cliché but he's perfect , he has every trait that makes a boy my type . I'm just confused .
    • lliam wrote:

      Seems you're deeply in love or such. But the way you describe this "case" I would rather advise you to forget this "perfect" guy. Cause if he is no longer interested in you, at least he could explain the reason to you. Okay, that would hurt you anyway, but it would at least be honest and perfect in a strange way.
      Well I know I should but he doesn't like to talk to me and whenever I try to he just says something like "oh" , "no" etc. which just really annoys me . And yesterday in computer class this guy who's always like "didn't you say you like (my crush)" qnd teasing me and stuff , he said something like "hey (my crush) what's the name of that girl you like?" but he said it kinda loudly and I just got so pissed and my heart was like pounding I just got so upset . My friend who's friends with him always talks to him and stuff so I guess that's my way of talking to him kind of? It's not like I'm scared to talk to him or anything I'm just scared of what he might say . And we are in the same class in school which honestly makes it worse/better , whichever way you think it is . But I've never liked someone like this before and maybe it's just a phase for liking someone for the first time? Idk..
    • Well, I think that everybody kinda expierenced it someway.

      I'd the same problem with a girl with whom I had good relationship just as friends. And suddenly there were very different feelings than just to be friends.

      I've never told her that I love her. I never asked her if she loves me ... just for similar reasons as you described it, cause for the fear of what she might answer.

      But if your crush ridicules or ignores you constantly, you should learn to ignore him.

      Of course, in your case it's easier said than done. Just because you have strong feelings for him and meet him almost every day at school and such.

      But at least you could try to develop strategies to ignore him. The more you are dealing with it, the higher the chance that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

      And of course it helps to do stuff with other friends to distract yourself or so.
    • My boyfriend ( non sexual but wish ) in 7th grade was my best also in 8th ( non sexual but wish ). I preferred another guy ( non sexual but wish ) and had another guy I like in between ( non sexual but wish ). How make sense of it all. The one I like best, a school love of many, hates me, but the teachers and the girls like him and I make sure such teachers know I love him and that I know they love him ... English teachers, and they make me go to summer school as a result ... but he is already of toward a life outside the school ( social issue for his kind of guy ). The middle guy I am unable to make sense to nor of but he tries to beat me up and fails. My buddy is one half. I do not bother with the guy under the car. I fail to befriend my real old love from grade three, who is straight. He be number four. Number five from 6th grade disappears. I am sure you have similar various feelings. I did learn one thing or two or three. ONE --- I am me and you do not control me. TWO --- I love you but I am not under your control. THREE --- I love but there are many fish in the sea. I remember that song and never forget it. EVER Break my heart but there are more. I mean, yes, many ways to break and also make a heart. That is another song.