Penis Size...

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    • KapitanCzarnaBroda wrote:

      Hi, I'am a 14 year old Polish guy and I have a question about my penis size.... When I have an erection my penis is 20 cm's, when my penis is flaccid it's 14 to 15 cm's, is this small, average, or big? :/
      20 cm (7,8 inches for those still living in the inches era) is well above average, as is 14-15 cm (5,5 to 6 inches) in the flaccid state. Congratulations. You are P3+ (Polish penis plus).

    • 20 cm = almost 8 inches. I see this on few guys, that is, few guys I ever know have that length, few guys I ever see have it. 14 cm = 5.5 inches and 15 cm = about 6 inches, a little over the average hard erect, long for a soft penis. The average is just average, and statistically meaningless. The average length of a guy's hard cock is 5 inches to 6 inches, 13 cm or so to 15 cm or so. I believe this range applies to 68% of males / men. Now that is statistically useful. The otherwises drop a lot statistically after those measures.

      Then there is the fatness of the dick to consider ... Fatness ( circumference, girth, or thickness ) varies a lot per penis length. Length does not equal the fatness. A very fat thing of average length is very different from a long slim one. Five inch fat cocks are more appealing to me ... but I like long cocks too. Average is just that. A fat five inch is more able to be felt than a long slim ten.

      Women say so too as well as any ass. In the ass, such is more able to work the tissue of the of the urinary tract.

      It does depend, as always, on the user of the hard on or erection, whatever the size. But size does matter. An average thin does not work as well as an average length fat. Anally, a long works better than a short, and a long fat works best. An average length fat works better than an average average.

      Appearance matters also. I mean the street look of the cock. There is the upperance of the penis, the extrorseness, versus the downwardness, that is, the uppity cock versus the hanging one, both being not blood infused but flaccid. Extrorse dicks look like hard ons if left in place and not pushed down and kept that way. I fall in love instantly with a fat 5 inch cock standing up and out and straight out automatically. Few are that obvious. But they exist and I know that. I fall in love with the two I see that way in my life pushing out the guys clothing at the crotch.

      Others keep the dick in place with submissors and even swimmers in speedos have them as well as tight clothing acrobats. I just find out that there are these things for under the speedo / tight swimsuit. I hear of it for tight fit clothing for male acrobats and swimmers to hide and protect their balls and hide the genitalia altogether while in their tights and for females in tights to hide their vulva.

      What more can I say ? Much more but I stop here. I want to demystify the wonder of love, still wondrous however.