Never had a boyfriend

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    • Never had a boyfriend

      I'm a 14 year old girl and i never had a boyfriend. Sometimes i think its a good thing because im not a little ho, but sometmies it kinda makes me sad because I just want to know theres a boy that cares about me like a lot of girls my age do. Boys ask me out like twice a year during the past years, but none are my type. They are always idiots...

      I don't think im ugly, but I dont think im "hot" either. People compliment, both boys and girls my eyes, hair and smile often. At this point i just feel lonely.

      Am I abnormal? Or do some people just start dating successfully later in their lives?
    • Re: Never had a boyfriend

      Your not abnormal at all. A lot of people at your age havn't had a boyfriend, lots of them don't admit it though, or they count little flings that go for maybe 2 weeks as a boyfriend. Just have fun with your friends for now, before a boy gets in the way or shopping with the girls =3
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    • Re: Never had a boyfriend

      im in the same boat.

      i see my friends have boyfriends, but then i tell myself, i dont need it, i can wait.
      but why do people say to wait, when everyone you know hasnt?
      [CENTER] Cassie: Do you remember when you rode with me in the ambulance after I tried to kill myself?
      : Of course.

      : That's what love feels like.
      [SIZE=4]I Love You Dylan[/SIZE][SIZE=4] [SIZE=3]♥[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=1]
    • Re: Never had a boyfriend

      It is better to wait until you are older. What is the point of dating when 14 years old? It's going to end in heartbreak. You won't marry that person, I can almost guarentee that as a fact. Save yourself the heartache and focus on what matters.
      [SIZE=2]The Voice of Reason[/SIZE]
      "In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, love." - Augustine.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Never had a boyfriend

      Wow, uh, girls date guys as young as thirteen years. So I'm not sure "ho's" the word to use ;)

      Um, for the abnormal thing, that's pretty normal. You're 14 years old, you don't need to neccessarily have a boyfriend at this age, not until you've found a guy you really like and you're really into.

      Trust me, there will be that one guy that you'll really like who's not like any other guys you've met. He'll actually be the one type of guy who's a great guy, and I admit, you might not meet him soon, but he's there all right :D

      Try to take compliments. Compliments are the next big thing, it means that they really like you and they admire whatever you have.

      But for now, just try and take it slow. Hang out with your friends and don't try too hard.
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: Never had a boyfriend

      Bang wrote:

      Your not abnormal at all. A lot of people at your age havn't had a boyfriend, lots of them don't admit it though, or they count little flings that go for maybe 2 weeks as a boyfriend. Just have fun with your friends for now, before a boy gets in the way or shopping with the girls =3

      I definitely agree. So many people your age who haven't had a boy/girlfriend lie and say they have because they're ashamed about it. Atleast you'll admit it and not fake it. There's a lot of people at your age that would go out with one of those guys you turned down just to get a guy...another stop you've got above them. You're not abnormal at all. It just takes some people longer to find somebody than it takes others. And believe me, sometimes it's better that way.
    • Re: Never had a boyfriend

      i have never had a real bf eithre even tho boys have crushs on me but i think its bc i dont relly like almost all the boys my age plus my mom relly dosnt want me to anyway but i dont like boys my age because theyre kinda dumb lol i always have been like that tho. the only crushs i ever have r like 4 older people n mostly people like that and my freinds are like ew gross but older people r a lot cuter. espec if they have like a lil grey in it lol. i know that sounds gross but like brad pit even has gray hair u just cant c it but he is cute!! but mostly its like teachers or the man that owns the store by the mall lol but they r 4 real the only ones i really like. thats probly why havnt had a real bf yet lol
    • Re: Never had a boyfriend

      Totally the same, Im 15 and never had a BoyFriend. I have got over it though, the boys in my highschool are idiots and i might aswel just wait another few years time so i dont get into some horrible relationship just because of peer pressure.. im waiting for the right guy and so should you love xxx
    • Re: Never had a boyfriend

      Yeahh, I gotta agree really. There's nothing strange about it at all. In some ways, it's beneficial.

      I'm 15 and I've had one serious relationship and when it all goes wrong (and at this age, it's almost certain it will) it's very hard to deal with because it's so painful. Also, at our age, it's very easy to mistake a relationship for something it's not. Naivety makes that happen and you get roped in into thinking it'll last forever and that shizz. At least, that's what happened to me. That obviously just makes it harder when the breakup comes.

      When you meet a decent guy, you'll know it. Just wait till then :)
      [CENTER]Your soul is like an appendix. I don't even use mine! :D[/CENTER]
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    • Re: Never had a boyfriend

      Guys... well and girls around 13-16 are immature as hell anyway.

      Most relationships that start when your like 13-14 normaly end badly anyway, alot of the time it's not worth the heartache.

      I felt the same when I was 14... I had my first boyfriend when I was 15, we broke up after 4 months... in my opinion it wasn't worth it.