I don't like him?

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    • I don't like him?

      I'm 16 and have a bf for the first time in my life.
      I saw this boy about 3 months ago and thought he was cute. I told my friend but she knew him.She then set me up with him since he apparently liked me too. It all seemed like a dream. Everybody was telling me how cute we are and that we should start dating. We first talked on facebook, then irl and eventually went on a date. It was then that i realized that i dont really like him all that much. As much as we are similiar and cute together, it all just seems so fake to me. We didnt even know eachother that well when we started dating. He seems to hate all the bands and youtubers that i like and always tells me that he hopes that im not sensitive. But I am. The problem is that everybody knows that we are dating, so if I were to break up with him, i'd seem like the bad one. And since he apparently really likes me, i dont have the courage to tell him that i dont share his feelings. But I just feel like I'm too young to do all the dating and romance stuff. :/
      What should I do?
    • Tell him how you feel. It's not fair on him if he really likes you and your leading him to believe you like him back. It's also not fair on you to be stuck in a relationship you don't want to be in. Why should you care what other people think? It's not their relationship. Just talk to him
      "Carefree, wherever we maybe. We are the famous CFC"
    • No way to be gentle.. sounds like the perfect use of the "it's not you - it's me" talk.. don't try to let him down easy.. the most important thing to to get away from that guy and find a guy you like to be with... BIG HINT Dont go for the cute guys.. they are sooo over rated.. a guy who doesn't look perfect will treat you better - and may have the perfect personality too!!
    • Renalynn89 wrote:

      No way to be gentle.. sounds like the perfect use of the "it's not you - it's me" talk.. don't try to let him down easy.. the most important thing to to get away from that guy and find a guy you like to be with... BIG HINT Dont go for the cute guys.. they are sooo over rated.. a guy who doesn't look perfect will treat you better - and may have the perfect personality too!!
      We're not all that bad :whistling:
      "Carefree, wherever we maybe. We are the famous CFC"
    • Renalynn89 wrote:

      No way to be gentle.. sounds like the perfect use of the "it's not you - it's me" talk.. don't try to let him down easy.. the most important thing to to get away from that guy and find a guy you like to be with... BIG HINT Dont go for the cute guys.. they are sooo over rated.. a guy who doesn't look perfect will treat you better - and may have the perfect personality too!!
      stay in your own lane bitch. how does a guys face determine their treatment towards you? you dunno? because it's bs.
      One does not simply taste Jade's flavour.
    • ok... the cute guys might be ok sometimes.. but when every girl out there is aiming for the same cute guys.. those guys always have a girl and just dont have to try that hard for a new one.. they can be a bastard and dump a girl one day.. and just have a new one tomorrow.. they have like a waiting line of beautiful girls to choose from... the nice smart guy.. maybe he has fucked up hair.. or last years clothes.. or a shit car.. but he needs to work a little harder to keep a girl happy.. add to that he is smart.. maybe also a future... the hot guys might have all that too... but they still just don't have to try that hard.. for the hot guy the girl has to do all the work to keep him happy... or he is gone easy.. maybe I like the thought of the less than perfect guy working hard to keep me happy... :)
    • just because a guy is cute doesn't mean that's his only quality... we do have credentials. Also I hope you know we don't view girls the way you're implying... looks aren't everything to guys... sometimes we indulge i'll be honest. But when it comes down to it were always on the look out for that one girl with that perfect and relatable persona.
      6/5/16 - The date i became permanently in love :lovey:
    • just because a guy is cute doesn't mean that's his only quality... we do have credentials. Also I hope you know we don't view girls the way you're implying... looks aren't everything to guys... sometimes we indulge i'll be honest. But when it comes down to it were always on the look out for that one girl with that perfect and relatable persona.
      Thats true! Everything)
    • I agree with pain, never break up over text. If you don't like him, then don't lead him on. Pull him aside and explain quietly that it isn't really working for you. If he actually does care about you then he would understand and not make it some big drama episode. Good luck and be strong, don't be afraid of what other people think, because it's YOUR happiness on the line here.
      And in my experience, most cute guys end up being jerks who think that bringing vodka to school is a great idea. If they drink, at least don't brag about it.